chapter 10

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3rd person, Virgil’s POV

Virgil is now 33 weeks along (8 months) and he is huge (pregnancy bump whys). His symptoms include: feeling extremely hot, forgetting things and headaches. The babies have dropped though so Virgil feels less out of breath. But everyone is on high alert now because Virgil could go into labour at any point because multiples often come early. At least the nursery was nearly done. They just needed to baby proof everything, including Remus. 

Virgil has been in pain all week but he didn't tell anyone because he believed those were just braxton hicks and there was no need to worry everyone just because he is having fake contractions. Roman's massages helped a bit so they were easy to ignore even if the pain kept getting worse and worse.

Anyway, right now Patton, Logan, Roman, Janus and Remus were all at a minute with Thomas about something. Virgil had no idea what but you must think he was an idiot if you think he was going to waste this time by staying sat in his wheelchair like he has been since the date. No, he decided to go for a walk around the mind palace to at least stretch his leg as they were stiffening up.  However as he continued to walk, the pain got worse and worse to the point the shots of pain were every five. Also when the pain hit, he doubled over in pain.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his back, rubbing his back and someone holding him up. It was then he realised his boyfriends had returned.

"Virgil, are you ok? What is happening?"

"How long have you been in pain Virgil?"

"Are the babies coming? Are you in labour?" 

Virgil stands up straight "I'm fine. It's just Braxton hicks. The babies aren't coming, you can all calm down. Go finish baby proofing Remus." Patton gives Virgil a stern look as Logan adjusts his glasses to say "Braxton hicks don't have you doubling over in pain. Now how long have you been in pain and how frequent is the pain?" Virgil rolls his eyes but tells him before trying to walk off but Roman picks him up "you are still on bed rest, my love. And that sounds like you are in labour" Virgil pushes himself out of Roman's arms and stands up "I am fin-ahhh"

Virgil doubles over in pain holding his stomach. "It's been 3 minutes since your last spout of pain. You are definitely in labour. Roman go get the medical room ready. " Roman nods and runs off. Patton rubs Virgil's back and whispers soothing things as Logan times the pain. After a couple of minutes, Virgil stands back up. "I am not in labour Logan. Now let me go. I'm going for a walk"  patton grips hold of his hand, not letting him go "then I'm coming on the walk with you" Virgil rolls his eyes but doesn't protest against it.  So they set off walking, Logan followed behind them in case something happened.

Virgil didn't know where he was walking, he was just walking because he had the urge to walk, probably because he had been stuck in a wheelchair for weeks. As they were walking, Virgil's spouts of pain got closer. Suddenly Virgil felt his trousers become warm but wet. It was at that moment he realised….

"I'm in labour"

Virgil's breathing hitched. He was in labour. He was about to be a dad. The babies were on their way.  Everything around him became muffled and blurred as his thoughts continued to spiral. His thoughts were all he could hear. He couldn't breathe. The babies can't be coming. He isn’t ready to be a dad. The babies deserve someone better than him. Someone without anxiety.  They deserve anyone other than him. They'll be better off if Janus and Remus were their dad's.

3rd person, Logan’s POV

While Patton was trying to calm Virgil down, Logan had been able to get them all to the medical wing where Roman was. Roman quickly started helping Patton while Logan did all the checks he needed to do for the birth of the babies. But he needed to check how dilated Virgil was because none of them knew how long Virgil was in labour and it might be too late to do the C-Section like planned. "Patton continue to try and calm him down. Roman we need to take his trousers and pants off to see how dilated you are". Roman nods and after saying what he was about to do (even though Virgil couldn’t hear anyone's), Roman took Virgil's trousers and pants off. But with one look at Virgil's stretched out area, Roman fainted.  Logan took one look and knew straight away that it was too late. "Patton he is 10cm dilated. We need to calm him down now to push the babies out because if he doesn't start pushing soon there will be problems". Patton nods and holds Virgil to his chest and starts whispering calming things to him and positive words of motivation because what he was trying before wasn't working. As Patton continued, Virgil mumbling stopped and he slowly started breathing normally.  But before Virgil could say anything, he curled over in pain.

"Virgil, I need you to push. You're already 10cm". Virgil started to follow his body instincts and pushed.

3rd person, Virgil’s POV

Time was blurred. 2 hours of pushing felt like 2 minutes because Virgil still wasn't completely there. After two hours of pushing, the room filled with cries of a new born baby. The first baby was here.

"It's a girl".

Virgil had a few minutes of rest to watch Logan cut the umbilical cord, clean the baby, wrap the baby up and put the baby in a cott before the next contraction hit for the second baby.  Virgil pushed as hard as he could but he was already exhausted and it was hard. But this baby came quicker than the other. It only took an hour before the 2nd baby was here.

"It's a boy"

Once again Virgil had a few minutes of rest to watch Logan cut the umbilical cord, clean the baby, wrap the baby up and put the baby in a cott before the next contraction hit for the third baby. However things didn't seem right with this one. After 3 and half hours of pushing, the baby had only moved a tiny bit.  Logan felt around Virgil's stomach "the baby is breached. Let's get you into a more comfortable position" They got Virgil on his hands and knees, Logan’s hand was still on Virgil's belly "I'm going to have to help guide the baby. So Patton, I Need you to be there to catch the baby. I'll tell you what to do. Now Virgil push". So that's what they did for the next three hours. But when the final baby arrived….

"Why aren't they crying? What's wrong?"

Logan quickly grabbed the baby, cut the umbilical cord and started rubbing the baby's chest to help them breathe. The baby was tiny compared to the other two who were small to begin with (normal size for triplet newborns thoughts). Everything around Virgil stopped as they waited for the crying from the youngest. After a painful two minutes, the baby finally started crying. Virgil sighs in relief. He watches as Logan, Patton and Roman (who has just woken up) hold the babies that were there (there was a connection). Logan held the girl. Roman held the boy and Patton held the youngest who he revealed was intersex. But then Virgil passed out from exhaustion.

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