chapter 5

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3rd person, Virgil's POV

It has been two months since Virgil found out he was pregnant which means Virgil is about 7 weeks pregnant right now. Which meant he should just be a bit nauseous and a bit fatigued. However that wasn't the case for Virgil. He felt severe nausea and couldn’t keep anything down, nearly everything made him throw up (especially when Patton keeps making Eggs for Logan’s breakfast). His chest had been very sore and tender. It hurt to wear the chest binder because of this but of course Virgil ignored this pain and kept the binder on. Also because of the chest binder and because of his pregnancy, he has been finding it harder to breathe. He becomes breathless even easier. Just a simple walk makes him out of breath which is very bad. Another symptom Virgil had was that he was super tired and fatigued all the time which has been making sleep a lot more than normal. Now you would think because he has been skipping meals to sleep, and because the smells of the kitchen makes him throw up, he would have lost weight and be thinner but no instead he has been gaining weight and he was starting to show a bit which wasn't meant to happen until he was at least 16 weeks pregnant.  

Virgil wasn't the only one to realise these changes about himself if the looks he was getting were anything to go by. Virgil could feel Patton's and Roman's eyes on him every time he left his room for a bit. Virgil knew he would have to open up to them soon but he was terrified. They were sure to kick him out when they found out he was a trans man and was in fact pregnant and the curse did in fact work.

Virgil takes a deep breath trying to ground himself from his thoughts when he feels a tug on his noggin. Thomas wanted him. He sighs and goes to put his binder back on when he realises it's missing and in its place is a note. Virgil picks it up and reads it. 'Seeing as you don't need this for the next 9 months or more.  I have taken it. Bye!!! - remus'  Virgil hisses "that Fucker. Guess Thomas will have to deal without me" Virgil's idea was scratched when the tug became harder meaning Virgil had no choice. He sighed and put on the most layers he could without being suspicious and his baggy hoodie, making sure no unwanted features could be seen before popping up in Thomas's living room.

He stumbles a bit on arrival feeling dizzy. "Are you ok Virgil? You look…… dead" Thomas said, making everyone look at Virgil confused. By everyone I mean just the light sides. "Geeze Thomas. Subtle much. I'm fine." He said leaning on the bannister of the chairs to keep himself up "So what did you need us for? I was bus-"



When Virgil woke up next he was laying on the sofa with a wet cloth on his forehead. He could hear Thomas asking how the sides even get sick.  He felt Patton holding his head and he could hear Roman pacing up and down in panic. He then heard the pop of Janus and Remus showing. It was then that Patton noticed Virgil was awake "oh Virgil you are awake. Why didn't you tell us you were ill? We could have helped you." Virgil was about to answer but everyone had rushed over and were all asking questions at the same time and all Virgil could hear was.

"howlonghwhathappenedhaveyoutoldthem yetltoyouaveyouwhendidyoudoyoufeeloklasteatbeenIsthisjustdoIneedtohowdoyou feelbeatmybrotheruppoorkiddiosymptomssick"

Virgil covers his ears, feeling his headache become worse. Everyone must have noticed because everyone suddenly became silent. Virgil slowly uncovered his ears and looked at them all. "You haven't told them have you, Virgil?" Before Virgil could reply to Janus, the room was flooded with people asking "tell us what". Virgil goes to say nothing but Janus beats him to him and tells everyone everything (leaving out who's the kid's dad) before sinking down. Remus sinks down after threatening to bash their heads in if they are horrible to Virgil. 


Roman had fainted.

Patton squeals in excitement that there's going to be a baby around.

Thomas congratulated Virgil (and Roman but Roman was still unconscious)

Logan gave Virgil a list of things that will now need to happen because of him being pregnant. Like meeting the dietary requirements and not lifting heavy things and other stuff like that.

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