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(welcome back. Enjoy the the book.)

Wilbur seemed to get his mental state worse everyday. He look homeless but at the same time just looked trashy. Always the same trench coat with holes and tears, with the dirty yellow sweater underneath.

He got to a point where he wanted to dye a streak in his hair white. Might as well do something different. It added a little bit of bling to his look, he thought.

He'd walk the streets at night, signs for quackity. He was never there.. Wilbur continued this for a whole 3 months of quackity being gone, from the day quackity left. Everyday he'd left and look for the day, and at night sleep on stop of buildings while also having night shifts at his job, which he'd soon quit. He wanted to leave this state. Because. He began to give up on Quackity. He obviously left for a reason. And doesn't want to see me, so what's the point. Wilbur had thought.


He quit his job and got his last paycheck, getting tickets to the place called... Las Nevadas. 

(Sorry for this super short chapter, but lemmie make this clear, Quackitys side of the story is the next chapter to you guys will know, I bet you have a assumption but still-)

Words: 218 :(


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