The Ram

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(Welcome back friends!!!)

Quackity had gotten his casino cleaned, the lights were back, and looks fresh. He then went out to get new clothes. He didn't feel like being a rat bag anymore. Time for something new.

Hé went to a store in town, fancy clothes. It was great.
He got the outfit of a reed button up, black dress paints and suspenders. Added along with a new hat and jewelry. The jewelry added a bling, making him look badass. Added along with a pair of sunglasses. Slimecicle would now follow him around, whenever he went. Like a little personal assistant. Quackity was glad he just wasn't alone though.

He exited that store as a new man.

Weeks later the casino was great. I'm business, a hit of the whole town, practically ran by the whole town. It was a huge success. Quackity was the huge success.
Everything was just great.... He thought it would just stay their perfect forever now. No more anybody in his life. He didn't need anything more. And that was the end..

Honey, you really thought that was the end of mr quack quack?? Nuh uh. Keep yo ass reading.

Everything was perfect, untill a Ram entered through those doors. Quackity in the middle of a poker game with fellow strangers he'd met.

The Ram was wearing a black suit. Red tie. He took a look around and let out a little chuckle. He'd continue walking as his shoes clicked on floor, over the loud music playing.





Quackity simply turned his head to see his nightmares come true.

There sat the Ram, staring with his red eyes. "You miss me, flatty patty?" Shaking a beer bottle in his hand.

Quackity was speechless. He had nothing to say. He looked to his fellow table members, " I'll be right back. Just excuse me for a moment." He got up, dragging jschlatt by the arm to a different room, shutting and locking the door.

"Ooo- getting spicing already?" The Ram laughed while saying as red dashed along Quackitys face. "No! Nonono- what are you doing here your stupid ram!" Quackity pushed away the love feelings with anger and hate, still remembering the past.
The Ram shrugged "well.. " he took quackity by the waist, pulling him close to him by the waist, so both waists we're touching, making them    c l o s e.

He chuckled "I saw you got your own casino.. and look at you, your sexy as fuck now- holy shit-" a smirk crossed his face, as he reached a hand down towards the others ass. "I want to back Quackity."  Quackity was flustered yet when to yell at him "YOU-" he was immediately cut off my jschlatt. "DON'T INTERRUPT ME" he sighed and took a deep breath. "I'm here to make a deal with you. Quackity." He looked him in the eyes and smiled a bit "pets make a bet. We play a game of poker, or even anything. And if I win, you're mine. And if you win, I'll never come back here again." His other hand traveled along his side "hows that sound?" Quackity pushed himself off of him, quite obviously flustered from the situation. He took a brief moment to think about it. He had confidence in his playing skills, as he held out a hand "we have a deal"
They shook hands on it and the deal was set. Tomorrow night. 9pm. solid and stone now.

The next night.

The Ram walked into the that casino with such faith. He had confidence he would win this. As for quackity, he was scared. He never knew his ex could play poker. He had to fight for it.  For himself.

The two made eye contact and got seated at the table, slimecicle would be their dealer.

"Last chance to turn back. " The Ram simply spoken to him as quackity shaken his head. "Let's do this then."

... Alrightyyyy good night everyone. Or good morning, either way, probably gonna be à next chapter tomorrow, peace  ♥️

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