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Louis' eyes were more blue than I ever could have thought. Pictures did not do him justice, I can promise you this. It almost looked as if there were specs of yellow or gold in his eyes. I never would've been able to tell if I was seeing him through the computer screen. Seeing him in person was so much different. He was so much smaller in person but he looked so adorable staring down at me. It was weird to be looking at him in person, it was so freaking weird. I also thought that if we met in person then we would be meeting in an airport. I never would've imagined that I would show up at his house, unannounced, and ready to get him out of here.

My thoughts seemed to disappear as Louis began to move around, sitting up a little bit. The pressure from his weight pressed down on my abdomen but I could barely feel it. My wrists were burning from his touch, where his hands wrapped around me. His eyes locked with mine and his mouth turned up into a smile. The crinkles by the corners of his eyes were adorable and I don't think that I would want to see anything else.

"Harry... what." Louis said. I hadn't expected his voice to be so high. Over the camera it sounded nothing like this. But just like that, I was already falling for that adorable, high pitched, American accent.

"Surprise?" I said, trying to shrug my shoulders. Louis seemed to realize that we were still on the ground and he was still on top of me. His cheeks turned a pink color and he started to climb off of me. I was able to breathe properly with him off of my stomach, though I didn't mind it. Louis turned around once he was standing straight up and offered me his hand. I smiled and took his smaller hand in mine, impressed when he was able to pull me up easily.

"I can't believe that you're here. When did you... how did you?" Louis asked. A smile was still present on his face and it made mine grow bigger.

"Gotta love the power of my credit card." I said, patting my back pocket. "Did you um, did you mean it when you said you wanted me to get you out?" I asked nervously. I had stressed over him not wanting to come with me once I got here. I didn't know if he wanted to leave or not. Whether he likes it here or not, this was his home. I had no idea if he really wanted to leave.

I watched as Louis rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at the path below our feet. Suddenly he looked up and nodded his head quickly. "Yeah, yeah, yes. I want to get out of here. You didn't have to though Harry, I could've gotten a job or something." Louis said.

"I wanted to," I quickly said, unconsciously stepping a little bit closer to him. "Should we go pack up your stuff then?" I asked hesitantly.

"I can't believe this is happening. But yes, let's go. It's not that much. Where's your things?" Louis asked me. As he spoke he nodded his head towards the house behind us. We started making our way down the path and towards the house.

"I didn't bring anything. I was just hoping I could borrow something of yours? If not that's fine, we can stop at a store on the way to the airport." I said.

Louis laughed quietly as we walked up the stairs. He leaned down and grabbed the iPod that he dropped when he saw me. I don't think that I'm ever going to forget that look on his face, it was priceless. When Louis stood back up he started to walk backwards, keeping eye contact with me. "I think I have a shirt you could borrow. It's kind of warm out today." He said, just as he bumped into the door.

I laughed quietly, almost like one of those girly giggles. "That's fine. Now if you're done walking into things, can we go inside?" I asked.

"I don't know," Louis said, "You should at least buy me dinner first." He said.

"Oh shut up you tosser." I said, pushing his shoulder. Louis laughed loudly and turned around, pushing the door open. As he stepped into the house, he warned me that it would smell of pot and alcohol. I thought he was exaggerating at first, but when I stepped into the apartment I immediately started coughing. Never in my eighteen years of life have I been around marijuana and with this being the first time, it was not agreeing with my lungs, nor my eyes. They burned and I could tell that they were probably red.

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