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-  Being that this is the last chapter, it is going to be extra long. I hope you like it  -

L O U I S'  P. O. V.

J U N E  10TH

"I can't believe that this is all happening so fast. Thanks a lot of this man, it means a lot to me." I said, looking over at Connor. His black hair was falling over his eyes as he looked down at the book in front of him. He looked up at me and nodded, telling me that it wasn't a problem. I thanked him again before walking around the room, checking out the place of my employment.

Connor was able to get me a job at the tattoo shop that he works at. His boss, Eddie, was willing to hire me based on my knowledge of tattoos. I know how to do them, I've done a few of them on myself and a few friends back in America. I know my way around the needle and apparently, I have the face for it. I guess I'll attract younger women, who they are trying to get more of around the place. I don't personally understand the inner workings of the business, I guess I can ask Harry. He'll know.

Speaking of which, I pulled out my iPod and checked my messages. The tattoo shop had WiFi and luckily I was able to text Harry throughout the morning. He's at his school, getting ready for the graduation. It's in an hour and I need to start heading towards his school. I promised I would be there for him.

Harry: I won't be able to text during the actual graduation. So I have to go now, but please don't be late. I can't wait to see you. I love you babymunchkincakes.

Louis: I won't be late, I love you too

"Texting your bae?" Connor asked.

I snorted. "Don't call him that. He's not and never will be bae. Because bae is a stupid term that I don't care for." I said. I hated the term bae and Harry is so much more than that. He was just... Harry. The most important person in my life and bae doesn't even begin to describe him.

"Okay, okay. So anyway, your first day doesn't start until Friday. It gets busy during that time, but Liam's going to be here so he can help you out." Connor said.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, my mate Liam. He works here too, he's the one that got me the job here. We went to school together. You'll love him, a real nice guy." Connor said.

"Right. Well, I can't wait to meet him. Anyway, I've got to head out. Harry's graduating. Shouldn't you be going too?" I asked.

Connor rolled his eyes. "I wish I could. If I show up there her parents will have my arrested. We are meeting up here after, so I can congratulate her in private." He said. I laughed.

"Just play it safe." I said, "I really got to go now. I'll see you later."

-  -  -  -

"And now we'd like to welcome our valedictorian, Harry Styles, to the stage." The older gentlemen said. The audience erupted into applause and I wanted to jump up and yell that that was my boyfriend, but his parents were somewhere in this mess of people and that would not be good. So instead, I clapped calmly with everyone else.

I watched as my goofy boyfriend walked up to the stage. I was close enough to see that his cheeks were red and I wanted to laugh. He was adorable and I can't believe that he's all mine.

"Uh, hi." Harry began. The audience laughed at that and I couldn't help but laugh either. "I'm Harry, and I'm honored to be here right now. London Academy has been my home for the past seven years or so. I've been attending this school for a large portion of my life and I've made a lot of great friends here. But this speech isn't about me. This isn't about my journey through my academics or how I've become my true self.

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