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His name was Louis.

I don't really know how to feel, knowing that this person - Lou95 - was a guy. It felt weird. In the beginning I thought I was talking to a girl. There really wasn't a reason for me to believe that this per- Louis, was a girl. He never said anything feminine or something like that. He literally messaged just like a guy. I felt like it was going to change something, with us both knowing that we are both boys. In honesty though, it didn't. Even after finding out that Louis was a boy I still had that nagging voice in the bag of my head, telling me to keep talking to him.

It was obvious that we got on quite well. We seem to share the same interest, yet at the same time, have the same differences. Louis' got an outspoken, sassy, sort of character that I already admire. While he's not afraid to say what's on his mind, I am. I'm always scared to tell someone how I really feel. Louis has no problem with it, his first message to me was just one example. I really do admire it. I wish I could be more like that. I wish I could tell my parents to fuck off and leave me alone, but I can't do that. I wish I could tell Olivia that as much as I liked her as a friend, I couldn't keep being in this 'relationship' with her. But I was afraid of what she'd say, I didn't want to hurt her.

Louis and I messaged the entire time I was at dinner. I barely listened to the conversation between my girlfriend and my parents. I know it had something to do with my father's finical business, but I'm not sure. I only tuned in when I absolutely had to. If I didn't answer a question Olivia would jump in and answer them for me, something I found to be amazing. It was nice that she had my back, despite the circumstances. But then again, she doesn't know that I don't really like her.

I had to say my goodbye to Louis because it was time to go. It was already past eight o'clock when everyone finished dinner, aside from me. I really didn't eat the steak that I ordered, I picked at it mostly. I really wasn't in the mood for it. I was so sick of it, I wanted something different. You'd think that with my parents being rich out of their asses I would have some money for myself, money to buy myself a damn pizza. That's the furthest from the truth. My parents have every single penny I would've earned as an alliance and they put it into my trust found. I don't mind the money going into the found because I know that the money that's in there will have me set for life, but at the same time, I just want to have a pizza or McDonalds.

"Harry?" Someone called me, snapping the thoughts from my head and ridding the picture of a McDouble in my mind. I looked up to see everyone else standing up from the table, everyone but me. I shimmed out of the table and started following my family out. Olivia took my hand and I gave it a slight squeeze, making her giggle.

"Alright, we can drop you off at your house Olivia. Let me just have Craig bring the car around." My mother said, moving to grab her phone from her purse. Craig was our chuffer. He was a nice guy, very quiet though. He's been serving my family for years and I don't even know his last name. I feel bad about that. He drove me around all the time and yet I couldn't have been bothered to learn the man's last name.

We waited in the warm August air until the car pulled in. It was sort of like a limo, expect smaller. Craig was quickly opening the door, allowing both my parents and Olivia and I into the car. I sat in the way back and Olivia came to sit next to me, her hand still in mine. I couldn't ignore the look of approval on my father's face. I hated it. I pulled my hand from Olivia's and casually ran it through my hair, making my brown curls fall over my forehead. I needed a hair cut or something, or at least a new hair style.

"So Olivia, how are your parents doing?" My mother asked.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked. I've meaning to tell you…"

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