remember when i said my brother asking shua for fly to netherlands?
we are already landed here, amsterdam. for. fucking. real.
the night after stefan whining to me, he directly sent the ticket to shua but the two of them WERE NOT TELLING ME. no offense shua nanya 'gimana nai' waktu dirumah moses back then cause he already get the ticket from my brother. shua's weak heart can't really handle my brother's whining. also about the visa, shua already taking care of everything behind me neatly.
then here we are. i look at him madly as we reach out the immigration and sit after grab some hot choco at the lounge for heat us up, he just stroke my hair slowly with his bunny smile "hehe. kan lo ga ngeluarin duit naii"
i look at him tiredly "bukan itu! tapi gue capek kalo besok harus balik lagi shua!" i complain, showing him our small carrier that he brought for me karena gue bener bener ga dikasih waktu buat packing. jam 12 malem, 3 jam sebelum flight tiba tiba shua udah didepan unit, udah bawa carriernya plus bagpack plus outfit yang seharusnya tidak dipakai di jakarta karena amsterdam is literally 8 celsius now.
gue cuma bener bener bawa satu turtle neck, satu cotton pants, satu hoodie plus long coat yang langsung gue pake, 3 pasang undergarments, charger, laptop, airpod max, makeup kit skincare kit, dan satu set baju tidur. udah. bener bener udah. bahkan gue ga sempet packing seperangkat alat catok karena shua bener bener pick me out 3 jam sebelum terbang dan jarak dari unit gue ke soetta butuh sejam lebih.
gue sampe ngos ngosan ngejar pesawat jancok. we barely loose our flight.
"oh jadinya mau lama?" he start to smile teasingly at me, wanna pinch his cheeks so bad then i faked crying him instead but yea i wanna cry cause i don't bring my dyson or my hair will be so lepek "ga gitu maksudnya aaah gatauu pengen nangis"
"yaa jangan nangis. gapapa anggap aja short trip. lagian lo di jakarta juga gabut. moses kerja volney kerja semuanya" there there, he always pull the card 'gue aja yang kerja masih bisa pergi lah lo pengangguran sibuk bener'
"tapi ada dellon"
he widen his eyes "emang lo naksir dellon?"
"bukan gitu!"
"iya udah berarti gabut. lagian kita gaakan tidur di unit si stefan juga gue dah check-in intercontinental amstel"
"itu mah lo nya aja biased, btw, sekamar?"
"maunya sekamar ya?"
i rolled my eyes, sipping out my hot choco that getting cold cause the temperature here. glad my chicken noodle soup still can warm up my body "maksud gue tuh yang twin bed apa ah capek gue ngomong sama lo" then he just giggling like a little bunny with his chubby cheeks "hahahaha iyaa sekamar naiiii tapi gue keabisan buat yang twin jadinya double. hug?" he open his arms, still with his smile eyes
"ngga. udah ngga ngepek"
he still hug me though then we realize we had to get off to get to the parking lot karena stefan udah kirim mobil buat kita dan udah sampe but no driver. shua said his international driver license masih berlaku so so.
"you drive?" im making sure him again after he put our carrier and his bag-pack to the trunk "sejak kapan lo nyetir kalo lagi sama gue? lagian gue gamau disupirin pembalap"