Night 4: Part 3 - G E N E S I S

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Marie watched the cameras as her robotic eyes saw the night guard escaping down the hall after narrowly escaping his encounter with the Nekomata a robot that was made not long before this place had been abandonded by the company Afton robotics fitted the Nekomata with an AI that was able to learn its foes actions over time and how to counter against them meaning if he had been in that room any longer..... she didn't even want to think about that. She sighed relieved that he had been able to put two and two together even in a situation as dire as that was.

"Just like your father...." She said smiling softly.

She looked at another path he had just ran through as she saw the specific sector he was making his way towards.

She was confused at why he was heading to Repair until she saw the view of mangle hanging from his back in a backpack.

"I see.... so that's why your down here...." She said as she frowned.

She looked at one of the pockets of the bear suit she was wearing and pulled out an ID card as she proceeded to walk out of the room into another circular shaped room down the corridor nearby.

Suddenly she paused as she held her head as she felt a familiar disturbing presence.

"No.... n-not now..." She said as she leaned against the wall.

"What... do-do you think.... you are doing... puppet." A deep and demonic glitchy voice spoke to her in her mind.

Marie did not speak as she breathed heavily trying to find an excuse or something to say... anything that would deter.... him.

"Lieing to me.... will not help you.... however.... you may choose not to answer.... it matters little to me-me..." It spoke as her eyes started to glow purple for a moment.

She fought it off however as she stood back up determined to keep moving.

"You can't- can't fight against.... me-me.... forever." The voice spoke as she ignored it.


Freya and the girls had just entered the room in which Mono had faced the nekomata seeing the damage the robot had done to the various machines in the room. They weren't sure what happened here but they were positive the night-guard was behind it.

Freya on the other hand was standing near the exit door as she looked down to a part of the floor near it.

On the floor in front of her was a robotic claw.

She bent down and picked it up examining it as memories started to flood back to her processors.


Freya stood holding her shoulder inside of a large white arena sized room with one glass window looking into it as she looked around slightly paniced.

"We already have the information we came for!!!! Stop!!" She heard a voice say from one of the rooms speakers.

"Willaim has ordered us to continue with the battle testing procedure.... the data we want requires that she is bought to her near limit and the data we have now is not sufficient you already know that Mrs. Emily... The testing will proceed." Another voice spoke.

Freya wasn't able to listen further as she jumped back narrowly avoiding a heated clawed attack as the nekomata suddenly appeared before her in the room preparing to pounce again.

She watched as it dissappeared again as she looked around for it before being hit in her leg by its tail as she fell over.

"Aaah!!!!" She yelled as she wobbled keeping her footing as she immidiately dashed and rolled to the side dodging another attack before blocking several heated knives that it sent at her with her arm blade.

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