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*At night in the governor's mansion*

Elena and Elizabeth were asleep in their beds until...°BANG°
There was a loud and clear bang outside causing Elena to awaken.She slowly walked over to the window searching from where the sound might have came from and when she saw a ship with black sails sailing towards Port Royale she started to get frightened.She gasped as she realised...The Black Pearl...a ship with a captain so evil,even hell itself spat him back out.She looked left and right and ran to Elizabeth.


"What?"Elizabeth muttered half asleep.


Elizabeth gasped in realisation.She looked out the window and covered her mouth with a hand.

They both ran down stairs just in time to see a servant opening the door and being shot in the head by a pirate.Elizabeth and Elena both screamed at the top of their lungs as they ran back upstairs.When they entered their room a maid put her hands covering Elena's and Elizabeth's mouth to prevent them from screaming when they saw her.

"Mi'ladies!They are here for you!"

"For us?Elena questioned.

"Yes you two are the governor's daughters!Follow me."

The maid took them in front of a closet and pushed them both in.

"You must hide here!"

"Thank you Helen."

Elena tried to get in with Elizabeth but it only fit Elizabeth in there.She tried to go find another place to hide but was pulled back by Elizabeth.

"Where are you going!I'm following you!"Elizabeth screamed

"No,you must hide here.I will find somewhere else."Elena tried to convince her.

"No Elena!I will follow you!It's to dangerous!"Elizabeth said at the edge of breaking into tears.

They both suddenly hear someone saying...

"Come out puppets,we won't hurt you."

"ELENA"Elizabeth gasps.

Elena want under a table crouching.She could barely sit still on her knees because she was shaking.Her bottom lip trembled.

"Puppets!We won't hurt you!"Cried a man who weight more than the other and had wet hair up to his shoulders.

"But!"The other said.He was as thin as a pencil and has yellow eyes.

The larger man look at him with a smile.They definitely were going to hurt them.One of them approached the cupboard Elizabeth was in.

"Hello puppet."One of them said slyly.

They opened to cupboard and slapped his hand over Elizabeth's mouth.The other slowly walked over to the table Elena was hiding under.He looked under it and dragged Elena from under the table onto her feet.

"Parlay!"Elena shouted.

"What?"Elizabeth asked

"Parlay,for the both of us."Elena said.

The pirates looked at each other confused.

"What?"They said in usion.

"We invoke the right of parlay!"Elizabeth said sticking with Elena's plan.

"According to The Code Of Brethren Court you must take us to your captain unharmed!"Elena explains.

"I know the code"one said.

"If an adversary demans parlay,you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete."Elizabeth tells them.

"It would appear so do you two."

"Take us to your captain!"Elena said in a whispering voice but it still had a dangerous and sharp tone to it.

"They want to see the captain?Then they will go without a fuss."Said the skinny one with an evil smile.

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