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"The Interceptor!No!"Elena shouted

"Welcome back ladies!Last time on board you played me,clever.Make pretending and all.I hope your stay this time is more pleasant.Boys,show them some hospitality."Barbossa welcomed

Suddenly as the girls were about to be taken by the crew Will turns up on an rope.

"They go free!"Will yelled to Barbossa

Will was pointing a pistol to Barbossa as he spoke.

"What's in your head boy!?"Barbossa asked but it didn't seem as if he asked a question

"That they both go free!"Will told him

"You only have one shot and we can't die!"Barbossa says

Elena saw Jack mouthing something...

"Don't do anything stupid."

"You can't...but I can"Will then points to pistol to his head knowing whose blood he needs

"NO!"Elizabeth screamed

Jack then again says something but slightly louder...

"Don't do anything stupid!Don't say anything stupid!"He slightly shouted

"My name is William Turner.Son of Bootstrap Bill Turner.His blood runs through my veins.You need my blood.And on my word I will pull this trigger and sink all the way down to Davy Jones' Locker!"Will ends up saying

The pirates seem surprised.Elizabeth seems scared he will pull the trigger and Elena...

"W-what is he saying?Will what?"

"I will pull this trigger if they touch any of you!"


Will gave her a small bow and smile as she stood there looking at him as if asking what he thinks he is doing.She planned everything out by herself.Why was he trying to kill himself?She was clueless.

"Will-"Elena was cut off by Barbossa

"Enough of that!What's yer terms?"

"Elizabeth and Elena go free!"

"We got that!Anything else?"

"And the crew!You let them go and I will remain here!"

"Agreed,you have my word."Barbossa finally says

We waited for a second...

"Boatswain!Take the captives bellow deck!Chain them in the galley and teach them how to row!"Barbossa said to his crew

"Men bring out the plank!"Barbossa continued

The plank!Elena,Elizabeth and somehow Jack were brought in front of the plank.The pirates gave a cheer.Jack jumped into the water first and then it was Elizabeth.She slowly stepped onto the plank as she shook.She turned her head around to look at everyone.She opened her mouth to say something but they turned around again looking at the water.

"JUMP!"the pirates cried at her

Elizabeth took of her dress and stood shakily in her undergarments.She then took Elena's wrist and slightly pulled her towards the plank.

"Jump with me,please!"Elizabeth begged

Elena gave a relieved and awkward look.

"Oh thank god,I was hoping you would say that"Elena said quickly and took of her dress also relieving her undergarments then jumped as she held Elizabeth's arm.

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