Chapter 5

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Sophie stared down at Keefe's spiky blond Wanderling, ice blue berries dotting it here and there. Tears rolled down her face but yet she made no sound.

"Honey, I know you loved him, but the world is safe now and you should just–" Edaline started.

"No. We'll never get him back, and you know that."

Edaline pursed her lips, looking over at Grady. He sucked in a breath, studying Sophie pitifully. "It's true, we'll never get him back", he admitted. "But you could move on. Maybe Dex?"

Sophie let out a wail, covering her face with her hands. "I just want him back", she sobbed. "Is that too much to ask?"

Grady laid a hand on Sophie's shoulder gently. "I'm so sorry, Sophie."

Sophie shook her head, shrugging Grady off. "No. No. He's not dead. He– he can't be."

"Sophie." Grady's voice was firm. "You have to stay strong. Can you do that for me?"

"How can I stay strong? Keefe's dead and I...", Sophie trailed off.

"Sweetie, I know you're hurting, but listen to us", Edaline began. "It will only hurt you if you let it. And you are stronger than you know, Sophie. So much stronger."

Sophie sniffled, wiping at her eyes. "Keefe's gone. He's... gone", she repeated, thoughts whirling in her mind. "It's – it's all my fault. He took the blow for me. No. No..."

Keefe died because of you.

Keefe died because you let him.

You could have had a good future together.

Why didn't you stop Fitz?




"Why?" Sophie screamed. "Why did I let him?" Sophie's body convusled with her sobs, and she cried hard.

"Sophie, honey, look here. Don't do this. Let it go. If Keefe were..." Edaline hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "If Keefe were here, then I'm sure he would want you to move on. He would want you to have a good life."

Sophie looked up at her foster mother with tearstained cheeks. "I– I know, but..." Sophie took in a deep, shuddering breath. "It's just so hard without him." Sophie's voice shook on her last sentence.

Edaline gently reached out and rubbed Sophie's back soothingly. "Shh..", she whispered, her amber hair hanging in lush waves around her face. "Hush..."

Sophie eventually relaxed with Edaline's touch. She blinked sleepily, laying her head against Edaline's chest. Soon she felt herself nodding off. Darkness gathered at the corners of her vision and she closed her eyes. And that was all she remembered. 

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