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"Do I look okay?" Sophie asked, worriedly examining herself in the mirror. "I hope I didn't overdo myself, I just want to look good this one time! I hope I don't look too sassy, you know I don't usually dress like–"

Vertina flipped her glossy black hair back, pursing her lips. "Stop stressing. Let me see, stop moving!" Vertina peered up at Sophie, and her jaw dropped in surprise. "You look so..."

"Yeah, I know. Different", Sophie finished, beaming at the mirror.

Her long, blonde hair fell to her shoulders as always, but today she had pearls braided in her hair, and with Marella's help, she had managed to apply some shiny lotion to her hair to make it take on a silvery, shiny sheen. With some convincing, Sophie had reluctantly worn a delicate, pink dress that was made out of natural rose petals and rustled whenever she walked. She had even decided to put on some makeup, and Biana had expertly applied it on for her. Silver earrings in the shape of a moonlark dangled from her ears. Sophie had protested at first, but now that she could get a good look at herself, she had to say that her new makeover wasn't really that bad.

She actually looked...


"I wasn't going to say that", Vertina said, sounding slightly annoyed. "I was going to say that you looked good."

Sophie blushed, looking down at her feet. "Thanks."

"Sophie? Your date is here!" Edaline called from the bottom floor.

If it was possible, Sophie reddened even more. "Mom, stop overreacting..." she mumbled.

Vertina giggled, raising her eyebrows. "Who's overreacting again?"

"Anyway, I guess I should go", Sophie muttered, moving towards the crystal staircase. "Wish me luck."

"Bye!" Vertina called after her as Sophie hurried away. "Have fun with your boyfriend!" Vertina's smoochy-kisses faded into the background as Sophie moved away from her, growling insults under her breath. She rushed down the staircase, trying to not trip over her long dress. "Hi, Fi–"

Sophie stopped in the middle of her sentence, speechless. She looked up at Fitz, and her heart skipped a beat. He was gorgeous. He wore a formal Elvin suit, and for some reason, that just made him so much more handsome. His hair was neatly combed and gelled, and his teal eyes sparkled. He seemed a bit nervous, because he kept on shuffling his feet and fiddling with his suit. It's so cute when he does that. Sophie smiled.

"You – you look beautiful", Fitz breathed, seeming completely starstruck.

Sophie hid her grin. "I can say the same to you."

"You mean handsome?" Fitz teased, flashing Sophie his movie-star worthy smile.

Sophie blushed for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Yeah. I guess."

Fitz's beautiful teal eyes sparkled. "Let me show you something. Come with me."

Sophie followed Fitz as he led her out of Havenfield's castle and out into the pastures. At first, Sophie thought that Fitz would lead her to Silveny, but he turned the other way and began heading towards a forest. "Wh– where are we going?" Sophie asked, beginning to feel slightly anxious.

"You'll see", Fitz answered, smiling slightly. "Close your eyes. I want to take you somewhere I really like."

Sophie did as she was told, and Fitz took hold of her arm gently. "Just follow me", he whispered into her ear, and Sophie's stomach did a flip.

They walked somewhere for a few minutes, until finally Fitz released his grip. "You can open your eyes now", he told her.

Sophie swallowed, opening her eyes. She gasped at what she saw. Fitz had led her to a field filled with colorful flowers, and evergreens lined the borders of the field. The flowering plants stretched as far as she could see, and Sophie blinked in amazement. Sophie tried to pick her way through the flowers, trying not to step and crush any of the beauties, but it was practically impossible. The flowers grew everywhere. It was beautiful here; Sophie could see how Fitz liked it here. Fitz smiled at her, and Sophie's stomach exploded with butterflies.

"I took you here for something very special", Fitz began. "I don't know if you'll say yes or not. I won't blame you if you say no, but just know that it will make me a very happy man if you say yes.

"I know that I have made some very bad mistakes in the past", Fitz went on. "And I hope you'll forgive me for them. I hope that you'll give me a chance, because I... I love you."

Sophie's heart almost stopped as Fitz reached into his pocket and brought out a small, velvet box with a silky, teal bow tied over it. He slowly opened the box, and Sophie gasped. A beautiful, 2-carat diamond ring sparkled from inside the box, sunlight hitting the very center of it. Engraved, on the silver band, was the word Forever.

"Will you marry me, Sophie Elizabeth Foster?" Fitz whispered, kneeling down and holding out the ring to her.

Time seemed to stop. Sophie's eyes widened. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this is happening! "Yes", she managed to croak out. "Yes!"

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