Chapter 15

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"Mhm... Nope... She doesn't... Would you tell her?" Freen said biting her lip nervously.
"Ugh! I don't want to see my little daughters grow up...." Joe said rolling his eyes. "When did you start and why?" Joe tried to understand her.
"Mhm... you already heard... it was after Dallas died.." Freen confessed.
"So, the reason was Dallas... Freen! You can't do this..." Joe said, pointing out his index finger as a warning, but he was interrupted by a nurse who let him know that the doctor who saw Freen was willing to see Joe now.
"We will discuss this later," Joe said, leaving Freen half guilty, half angry.
How dares Joe come after so many years to come and give her sermons? Yes, she did a bad thing by lying to her mother, but she only did it to cope with her pain. She believes it's the easiest way to cope with the pain. She was 24 years old, so she can take her own decisions. Freen felt terrible.
On the other side, Joe was speaking with the doctor who made him sign some documents. The doctors answered all of Joe's questions regarding the following matching process. Suddenly, the doctor asked Joe a personal question.
"I know she is your daughter. That's a tiny chance for the girls to match since they don't have the same parents. We had cases like this, and there was a surprising result... However, I'm a little concerned about your older one... Did she have any therapy after her aunt died?" The doctor asked, making Joe freeze.
"Mhm... I don't know. I haven't seen her before that much. She is raised by her mother. What's wrong?" Joe asked.
"Well... I don't like how fast she accepted being a donor. Look! I'm not a therapist, but to me, it seems like she's crushing down. Only a new tiny trauma and... *quick pose* I'm afraid she might be suicidal." The doctor finally stated.
Back to Freen, she was sulking on a chair and she checked her Instagram. She suddenly saw a picture of Becky. She was extremely beautiful, and that made her heart beat faster. While analyzing her photo, her eyes went down to her lips. Obviously, the flashback from their first kiss came to her mind. That kid was a good kisser. She smiled, liking the picture. Her contemplating moment was interrupted by some yelling and some medical staff running after a kid.
"Eda!!!" One of the nurses yelled, and this made me jump.
"Please! Stop the kid!" Another nurse yelled, making Freen stand up from her chair.
The little kid ran away, but she ended up in the same place where Freen stood. It was the end of the corridor.
"Mhm... Please! Can you help me?" The little kid asked with a puppy face.
"Here you are, missy!!! Come, it's time for the treatment!" The nurse said.
"Noo!" She hugged Freen's legs! Please! I don't want this." Eda mumbled. The reaction from the kid made Freen freeze in her place. She was not used to be around the kids. She always found them annoying. It was very uncomfortable for her to have a kid near her because she felt like she should always be careful with what she said and do. This time, she felt something weird. After she realized that the kid needs comfort, she patted back softly. But right when she was about to open her mouth to speak, Joe and the doctor rushed to them.
"What is with this noise? Did anything happen?" the doctor asked.
"Freen? What have I told you?" Joe asked Freen, thinking it was Freen's fault.
"The patient ran away when we wanted to administrate her treatment." The nurse said looking at the doctor, and the doctor chuckled and entered back in his office.
"Daddy!! Please don't make me have that again! I don't wanna be sick!" Eda said holding Freen's legs tighter. That's when Freen received the confirmation that it was actually her sister who keeps her legs hostage.
"Eda... I know you don't want it, but it's for your good! Do you trust me? Do you know her?" Joe pointed to Freen, and Eda shook her head. "Well... didn't you know it is not good to talk to strangers?" Eda nodded softly. Freen slowly placed her hands on Eda's tiny hands.
"Hey! I'm Freen... So, your name is Eda, right?" Freen said smiling. "Well... I know you don't like needles and everything, but.. what if I join you this time? I really want to see how bad this thing is..." Freen said making Eda untangle her hands.
"Really? But I'll throw up... No one likes to stay with me.." Eda said looking down.
"Well... I would like to do it. And, maybe I could give you something after. What do you say?" Freen asked, making Joe sigh.
"Yes! Let's go!" Eda grabbed Freen's hand and she stormed to the salon.
The nurse came and placed the IV, which Freen recognized as being chemotherapy, because of Eda's description. She took her sister's hand and held it in both of her hands. The nurse placed a plastic bag near Freen, in case she throws up.
"You are very pretty!" Eda said looking at Freen.
"Thank you! You are pretty too.." Freen said smiling. She wasn't lying. Eda was almost like her when she was little. Only that she seemed sick, with her pale skin, and her eyes half closed.
"My hand hurts," Eda said, looking at the iv on her hand.
"I know... But I am here, and I won't leave until you finish it." Freen said smiling.
"I... I am sick..." Eda said, and Freen placed the plastic bag, helping her, then passing her water...
"Thank you! I like your bracelet." Eda said looking at Freen's Pandora bracelet.
"Would you like to play with it? Here.. these balls are called charms. I will let you choose one charm from here when we finish."
"Really? Can I? I want one like yours for my birthday." Eda said looking at Freen.
"Then... I will make sure you will get one.." Freen smiled at her younger sister.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Eda jumped in happiness.
Without even thinking, the IV finished, and Freen took out from her bag a pack of Maltesers. She remembered she had that from yesterday, so she passed her sister the chocolates. Eda was charmed by Freen's actions and she wanted to have Feen every time she has her chemo treatment. Soon, the sisters had to say goodbye to each other, and Joe gave Freen a ride to the university. In the car, Joe went back to the conversation they had before the doctor interrupted them.
"I won't tell Demi.." Joe broke the silence, and that made Freen mumble something. "But... You have to promise me that you either see a therapist or talk to me about anything." Joe continued, making Freen be angry.
"Look! Tell, mom! I don't care! Don't blackmail me! You weren't there for me when I needed you, now don't pretend that you are the perfect father. You may be for the other daughters, but not for me. Just because I accepted to be a donor, it doesn't mean everything is pink between us, ok? I respect you, but that's all...Now, I would appreciate it if you would not interfere with my lifestyle. Thanks!" Freen snapped, leaving Joe in shock because he didn't expect this burst of anger from his daughter.
"Irascible like her mother.." Joe sighed, but Freen ignored him.
As soon as she entered the university, Hailee came to her and started a casual conversation, when suddenly, Freen placed her hand on her forehead, and felt how dizziness starts to build up. Hailee, noticed that caught her on time.
"Girl, what happened? Let's go outside... You don't look great." Hailee said carefully carrying her friend outside.
"It's fine... I only need to eat, because I had some blood test this morning." Freen said still feeling dizzy.
"Are you sick? Is everything fine, Freen?" Hailee was worried.
"It's fine... Just a normal screening." Freen assured her friend.
"Ok.. stay here. I'm gonna grab something for you to eat and drink." Hailee said.
After 5 minutes of waiting Hailee, came back to her best friend and she gave her a bottle of water, along with a sandwich and some crackers. She unpacked everything for Freen so she could only eat it, without putting in a lot of effort.
"Here you go! Eat, my little kid!" Hailee said giggling. 
"Thanks!" Freen started eating her sandwich.
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Hailee teased her friend, who groaned.
"Idiot.... With who?" Freen asked with a faint tone while sipping from her water.
"I was kidding.... But, seriously now, Freen... If you are sick, please tell me, ok? I know you since we were in diapers."
"Nothing is wrong. Thank you for the help, but in 10 minutes I have to be in the class." Freen said, standing up with the sandwich in her hand, and with Hailee following her to the class.
All the weekend Freen rehearsed her songs. Demi saw her daughter struggling, and she helped her improve it. At some points, played the songs on piano and they both felt like bonding through music. The hard work was reflected in the studio recording the following week. On the first day of recordings, Freen met up with Becky. They were both nervous, and the reason was unknown to them. The truth was it was the first time they met after two meetings where they kissed, and where they didn't have to work with or on the characters they play.
"Mhm... Hi, Becky!" Freen greeted Becky nervously.
"Hi, Freen!" Becky awkwardly replied rubbing her elbow.
Ever since the kiss happened, Becky realized she actually had feelings for the older girl, but she didn't know how to deal with it. The fear of being rejected made her try to avoid Freen and block any thoughts of her. How would Freen reciprocate her feelings? She is younger, childish, and immature. Freen overreacted with them being friends only, she would definitely reject anything more than friendship. She spent all the weekend analyzing Freen's Instagram posts. She was breathtaking even when she hid her face in the pictures with sunglasses and caps on. There are so many reasons why she felt that Freen and her would only be friends or even less than friends, and this made her feel uneasy. On the other hand, Freen had a lot on her plate, but she noticed the awkwardness between her and Becky. She was the older one, so she needs to fix this. Yes, they kissed but it was all part of the job.
Before to start recording the songs, Freen dragged Becky to a quiet place, where none could hear them.
"Listen, Becky! Thank you for helping me the other day. We don't need to be awkward with each other, you know? I have zero experience with all of this, so please bare with me. Whenever I am doing something wrong, please give me a warning. We agreed to be friends, and so we should. As we already know, we should draw a line between our work and our friendship. Let's pretend the kisses and everything we filmed didn't happen. Do you agree with what I'm saying?" Freen said. It was one of the rarest moments when Freen was very mature, and she kept her cool.
"Yes... You are right. We should not mix work with our personal life. I'll pretend the kiss never happened, so we could be friends." Becky gave her a small fake smile, and Freen gave her a tight hug.
The girls entered the studio, and Freen started to become nervous. It was the first time she had to record a song, not like Becky who was very used to it since early childhood. Becky noticed that her friend is very tensed, so she slowly took her hand in hers, and intertwined their fingers, smiling.
"It will be fine, don't worry... I could go first with that and then, we could record together the chorus and pre-chorus. After that, you might record your part. What do you say?" Becky asked, smiling warmly at Freen.
"Thank you!" Freen said shyly.
While Becky was recording her part, Freen smiled like so big. She loved how natural was Becky while singing. Becky's voice was so sweet, honey-like. Freen never listened to any of Becky's songs before, so her singing voice was new. At some point, Becky looked at Freen, making a heart sign with her hands, smiling, and this made Freen blush like a tomato.
"Very good, Becky!! Freen, join, please. Let's record the chorus because it's easier, and then we will have the pre-chorus since it's more difficult. Got it, girls?" The music producer checked with them, while Freen was setting her headphones, nervously.
"Yeah... Totally agree! That's what I thought, too." Becky agreed.
"Ok... Let's go!" The producer said, and right at that moment, Becky took Freen's hand in hers and winked at her. She loves to do that because it instantly makes Freen's face turn into a tomato tone.
As they started harmonizing, both of the girls were matching perfectly with each other's voices. The music producer was amazed too. Freen was too nervous to notice anything, but Becky did, and this made her blush. At the pre-chorus, they stood more in order to be perfect, since Becky had to do a high voice, while Freen had to stay flat. When the producer announced it is perfect, Becky left Freen in the vocal booth, while whispering a "Good luck!". Now it was the time for Freen to record her solo parts of the song, and Becky to hear her singing voice clearly and be amazed. In fact, Becky thought about Freen's voice to be a crystal voice, which make her look down and smile. At some point, she took her phone, and without Freen noticing, she recorded a video of her recording sessions. She then remembered about the PR strategy, and she opened Instagram, and created a boomerang of her older friend, tagging her and adding an emoji.
"Done! Perfect!! Freen, you can come here to listen to the full song." The producer announced.
Becky opened her arms to hug Freen and Freen automatically hugged her tightly. They were both smiling like idiots while listening to their own voices. At the chorus, they stared into each other's eyes, feeling how their stomachs are becoming a playground for the butterflies they had. It was exactly how they said in the ending - it was "wow!".
"Good job, girls! Freen was a beautiful surprise!" The producer clapped. "I suggest to stop here and start recording next time your own songs. Then, in the next session, we will have you and the rest, and one more song Freen and Kirk... maybe in the last session we will record another song with you two... we will see.." the producer checked hip tablet. "Mhm... that's it.. ok... Good job! Have a nice day! See you next time!" The producer said.
"Thank you! Have a nice day! See you!" Both girls said while collecting their things.
Right when Freen checked to see the time, she was struck by notifications. A lot of names follow her and like her pics. She cursed a little under her breath because her phone seemed like going crazy.
"The hell is wrong with my Instagram! A lot of strangers are following me and appreciate my posts...." Freen sighed, making Becky bite her lips.
"Mhm... I tagged you into a post!" Becky said mentally preparing for Freen's outburst.
"What?? What post?" Freen opened the Instagram app faster.
"Chill! It's just a boomerang with you recording a song. We have to post things with each other, remember?" Becky said, and then the idea hit her: that was actually a good excuse to profit from the PR strategy to have Freen closer to her, even if it's for a short period.
"Ugh! I hate this! Next time, at least, please tell me what and when are you going to post anything that includes me." Freen said while exiting the building.
"Ok... Wanna go grab some Starbucks or anything to eat? It's for the content." Becky asked her smiling softly.
"Sure. Even if it wasn't for the content, I would have accepted the offer, you know... we are friends.." Freen said and suddenly her screen displayed her father's contact name. "Excuse me for a second!". Freen said while answering her father.
"Hello, dad! Did anything happen?" Freen said a little bit worried.
"Hi! Mhm.. the results came, Freen..." Joe nervously announced to her.
"And?? Dad.. just tell me already!" Freen stopped, making Becky stop also and look at Freen...

......To be continued......
Author's note: Thank you for reading my story! I would love to see your opinions about that in the comments. Have you, guys, watched the last episode of "Gap the series"? Freenbecky were two Disney Princesses today! 💕🥰😍I didn't buy the live ticket, so I will watch it on YouTube. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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