Not Another Song About Love

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Highschool Au// Lance and Keith are both rivals, but deep down inside, they don't entirely hate one another

trigger warnings: cursing

Lance POV

Keith. God he is so annoying! I literally can't stand him! I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. It was Pidge. "Hey what's up?" "Well," she fixed her glasses, "You really need to let all of those pent up emotions out." Hunk joined in too. "Yeah. You should say everything that you really mean to Keith." I rolled my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

Pidge shook her head and so did Hunk. I sighed and shut my locker close. "Whatever, I'll see you next period. " I waved them off and walked over to chemistry.

We are doing an experiment, and guess who my partner is? Keith. This guy is my rival but only I can be mean to him! "Whoops." I said as I spilt some of the power on the desk. Keith glared at me, "Seriously? You're messing around during a lab?" I nodded. He rolled his eyes and focused once more, "You're such a wreck. It's not easy cleaning up you're messes sometimes." He smiled with a slight smile. I smiled and watched him clean it up. I would never admit it out loud, but I love our little bonding moments.

But then, some guy walked over and started talking about random things. His partner went to the restroom so I guess he decided to stick with us. I was having a moment with Leith and he ruined it. I want to tell him to back off, to get away but, I feel choked up, like there's a rope around my neck. Keith glances at me and picks my hand up. I didn't realize I shattered a glass beaker.

"Lance are you okay!? Oh my-Mr.Takuharu!"

Keith walked me down to the nurses office, "I'm going to clean the wound okay? I promise it won't hurt." I nodded and let Keith clean up my cuts with the disinfectant. It stung like hell, but I wasn't gonna let Keith see me weak. He carefully cleaned my hand and wrapped a bandage around it. My heart started racing. Recently, whatever Keith does, my heart begins to race and I get flustered...It's strange.



"Sounds like you loooooove him~" Pidge teased. "No I don't!" I yelled. Hunk laughed a bit and so did Allura. "It's true!" I huffed out. "It's just whenever I see him, I can't think straight." "Why don't you just ask him out?" Shiro asked. I shook my head. "Ask who out?" Keith sat beside me and looked at me. His eyes are so fucking pretty. Dammit. "N-No one!" I see Pidge smirk. Fuck.

"Let's play truth or dare." "Yes!" "No." I glared at Keith while he glared at me. "No." I said. "Yes." He responded. We bickered for the next few minutes until Shiro shut us up. "Okay so, Hunk, truth or dare?" "Uh truth I guess." "Do you like anyone?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Somewhat." The game continues on until its Pidges turn, again. I chose truth. Fuck, she's smirking again. "Truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to confess to your crush." "Truth." "Do you have a crush on someone?" "Is this just a game to you?" Pidge looked at me amused. It was.



Me and Keith were arguing again, it's always the same fight, reruns every day. To be honest I don't even know how we started this fight. I love him, I think, but I always end up arguing with hurts sometimes. I think, I need to end our friendship or whatever it is. "You know what Keith?!" I yelled. Keith looked shocked at my tone. I'm sorry. I took a deep breath in and exhaled.

"I hate your touch! I hate your mouth! I can't stand every single word that falls out!" Yet he's  all that I've been dreaming of. This is not about love. I look at Keith, he looks fine, but in his eyes I see how hurt he is. I'm sorry.

"I hate your voice, I hate your lips!" I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss! Urgh! But he's all that I've been dreaming of. This will not be about love!

I run out of the school, tears threating  to spill. I won't fall in love with him! I refuse these feelings!

Keith POV

I watch as Lance ran away. What he said hurt, but his eyes...His beautiful blue eyes, they told a different story. I want to tell him I love him. But would he hate me? I know we are rivals, but still. We are friends and our rare bonding moments mean so much to me. I can't lose that. I turn away. I'll get rid of these feelings.

The next day at school I see Lance. I walk up to him and turn him around, so now he's facing me. "What the hell was that yesterday?" He scoffed. "Nothing." "Bullshit." "Keith look I don't want to talk about it." "Well I do! Actually I have something to tell you." I took a breath. I feel Asphyxiated just to say the least. And his eyes, I feel like they are suffocating me. I emptied my lungs, it's getting hard to breathe. But he wouldn't care...

"Keith?" Everything he does makes my heart race. "Is this just a game to you?" I ask. He looks taken back, "No?" "Reruns every night. It's always the same fight...And I think you should know" "What is it Keith?" "I hate your touch, I hate your mouth! I can't stand every single word that falls out!" Yet he's all I have been dreaming about... "I hate your voice, I hate your lips!" I hate how bad I want to steal his kiss! He's all I have ever dreamt about! I need to lose these dumb feelings!

I turned around and left Lance speechless. 

Third Person POV

The sky slowly faded from blue to gray. It started to poor down rain. "Yo Lance are you okay?" Hunk asked. "No...Keith he's like an ocean. I feel like I'm downing." Lance admitted. "I just to sink into it, and let him take me away." Hunk was confused. "Okay? Um well, why don't you just tell him how you really feel? I mean no matter how bad you two fight, you always go back to him." "yeah but, this time is different. It's...I don't know. It's like we have these bonding moments, and it feels like we are near the finish lines. That we could be friends but, we always end up back at the start." Pidge walked in, "Why don't you say what you really mean? You told me multiple times you have dreamt of him. Just tell him your true feeling. I'm sure he will return them." Lance stood up and walked out of class. His teach didn't care since it was a free day. Lance made his way down the hallway to Keith's classroom. He opened the door and walked in. "Oh Lance how can I-" He grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him out side. "Oh okay then." Keith's teacher said.




The two were in an empty classroom. 'What the hell Lance! What was that for!" Let it out. 

"Hello?!" Been building up, I better let it out.

"Lance!" Say everything that I've been meaning now. I need it now. I need it now! Lance grabbed Keith hand and pressed it against his heart. "I need your touch, I have no doubt, I want your love 'till it all runs out! cause you're all that I have been dreaming of...I love you." Keith was taken back, but soon, he soft smiled. "I need your voice I need your lips. I need you bad I just wanna steal your kiss. You are all I've been dreaming of too. I love you too." Keith leaned in and gave Lance a soft kissed. Lance returned the gestured and pulled Keith close. 

They pulled apart and pressed their foreheads together. 




"You got the photo?"

"Hell yes."

The End <3

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