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Highschool Au// Confession Time <3

Trigger warnings: cursing

Keith POV

I have decided to confess to Lance today.

Yes, I know what you may be thinking,

You like Lance? You're gay? Aren't you and Lance rivals?

Well to answer all of these fabulous questions, yes, yes, and we have our moments. To be honest I don't actually remember when I first started liking him. And even if we are 'rivals' it's not actually true. Sure we are competitive and all, but when we are alone. My God, he's the sweetest, most nicest person ever. He's so caring and loving, and he helps me so much. How could I not fall for him? God, I sound so cheesy. That's okay though. At least I'm not as bad as Lance is.

Third Person POV

While Keith was daydreaming he seemed to miss some very important information. "KEITH!" Keith jumped. Thank God they were outside. Or else Pidge would have gotten in so much trouble for yelling. He was quite startled and turned to look at his friend, Pidge. "Y-Yea?" Pidge huffed, "Were you even listening?! I said there's a dance and that you should ask Lance to go!" "H-Huh?! No way. Besides, Allura will probably ask him." "You're joking, right?" "About?" Keith was confused. "O.M.G. Allura got a girlfriend." "WHEN?!" Keith asked. "This morning." "The hell? How do you know that?" Pidge pulled out her phone and showed Keith Allura's snapchat story. "Oooh. Well okay." "So will you ask him?" "Still no." "Ask who?"

Keith jumped once again, "JESUS. Lance, when did you get here?" Lance chuckled at Keith's reaction and took a seat beside him. "Like two seconds ago. Anyway who's asking who to where?" "Nothing!" Pidge smirked. "Well Lance, I was telling Keith that there's a dance coming up." Lance perked up. "Sounds fun! Are you going to ask anyone?" Keith felt a blush rest on his cheeks. "No...I don't think so." Lance felt himself frown, but quickly switched up. "Well how about you go with me?" "H-Huh?!" Lance smiled and grabbed Keith's hand. "Go with me? It'll be fun. We can go out to eat before, then go to the dance, and if you're hungry afterwards we can get some late night dinner." Lance said softly. Keith felt his heartbeat calm down and he smiled. "Okay. As long as you're paying." "Anything for you Prince Keith." Keith playfully smacked Lance's shoulder and laughed. 'That's gay.' Pidge thought. She smiled to herself and started another conversation with the two boys.




"WHAT DO I WEAR?!" Keith was currently freaking out. It's been a few weeks since Lance asked him to the dance and today was the day. Did Keith confess to Lance yet? HA NO. Keith was going to, but he got cold feet and changed the subject. Now he has to tell him today. He won't back out any longer.

But first. He needed to find something to wear. "Are you okay son?" Keith opened his door and saw his father standing there. "No!" Shiro laughed and walked inside. "Okay tell me what's wrong?" Keith walked over to his bed and plopped down on the pile of clothes. "I don't have anything to wear to the dance." "I thought you were going to wear your suit?" Shiro asked. "I was, but then Lance said he wanted to go matching and I didn't have time to buy a new outfit. Now I don't know what to wear!" Keith said. Shiro smiled softly, "What is he wearing?" Keith got up and unlocked his phone. He went to his and Lance's messages and opened up a picture.

"Oh that's pretty nice." Shiro said. Keith blushed looking at the bare chest. "Hm, I think I have an idea." Shiro left the room and came back shortly after. "Here put this on." Shiro handed Keith some clothes and left the room, closing the door behind him. Keith stared at the clothes and decided to change.

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