prologue: end of games

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I look up at the sky as the final blimp bursts into flames, ash and debris scattering across the land. "We did it sis! We did it!" I clutched my side as blood poured from my gun wound. " It's gonna be okay Hayami." She hugged me. "Mira, Hayami! I see you survived as well!" Banda and Kuzuryu approached us, two of the face cards in their hands. The King of Hearts in Banda's and The King of Diamonds in Kuzuryu's. I had claimed the Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades, and Mira had the Jack of Hearts and the Queen of Hearts. They are all of our individual specialities - so we had separated when the second phase started.

A sudden shower of fireworks spread out through the night sky. We all gazed as the female voice spoke.

"All surviving players will be presented with two choices."

"Players must now all decide whether to accept permanent residency in this country.

Or decline it."

"Once again,

Players must now all decide whether to accept permanent residency in this country

Or decline it."

We all looked at each other, as we already knew our choice. " I accept permanent residency." I said as the fireworks disappeared. "Me too." Banda said. "Me three." "Me four."

We watched as the few remaining players around us had a blue laser shot through their heads. The woman's voice spoke as the area went silent, only those who accepted are still here.

"Congratulations all players! You are now citizens. Please report to Minami-Aoyama Station to receive your roles."

"Roles?" Banda questioned. "We completed all the games... meaning that we killed all the citizens... so we are taking their roles as game masters..." I said. Mira glanced at me as Kuzuryu began to walk away. "Where are you going?" Banda asked Kuzuryu. "To the station. We need to get there before any other citizens. we don't wanna end up playing as a suit we won't enjoy. Right?" He said. "That's, right, lets get going then."

As we entered the door to where the game masters are hidden. The room was filled with tv screens and computers. I scanned through the around 10 people sitting at the computers. "This is all of us?" "Yes." A voice behind us said. His voice was low but authoritative. "They are the only ones who selected permanent residency as well as you guys. But you guys are different..." We looked at each other, confusion evident on our faces. "Everyone is working in creating the number cards, but you guys, I want you to own your own games!" "Our own games?" Mira questions. "Yes. Now you," He points at Mira, "You will be the Queen of Hearts!" He declared. "And you," He looked at Kuzuryu, " The King of Diamonds!" He said, holding his ipad in his right hand - clicking our face recognitions and playing us under a suit. He pointed at me and Banda, "Hayami and Banda, Hmm what shall I give you two?" He rubbed his stubble on his chin, pretending to think. "King of Hearts for you!" He said to Banda, who gives me a fist bump with excitement. "And you, you will be the QUEEN OF SPADES!" I smiled as Banda, Mira and Kuzuryu looked at me in shock. "She was the hardest to beat when we played her, she killed the most people!" Mira exclaimed. "The only thing is, you will have to blend in with the players until phase two begins, although you won't have a visa you will still have to play to earn their trust. If you reveal your identity a red laser with shoot through your skull and kill you, so I'd be careful! That's all, enjoy your time as a citizen!" He walked away in to the dark corridor. "So what do we do now?" Banda queried. "I don't re-" Before Kuzuryu could finish his sentence, the female voice began speaking.

"Welcome Players to The Borderlands! Here you will play for your life.

You are given a starting visa with 3 days, if it runs out, game over for you. Play games to enable you to return to life.

Every game will give you a certain amount of visa days, according to the number of the game. The higher the number, the more difficult the game will be.

There are four different suits,

The Clubs- Club games are teamwork games, you will have to make alliances to have a chance of survival.

The Diamonds - Diamond games are intuition games, you will need to use your intelligence for survival.

The Hearts - Heart games are better for those who are individuals, as you will be playing with the other players hearts for survival.

The Spades- Spade games are physical games, have higher registration numbers, and will be the hardest to surpass.

Now, Please make your way to the closest game arena, the games are at random so you won't know the difficulty or suit until the registration number is full.

Good luck!"

"I guess we play!" I said with a shrug. "Shall we head back to the 'Beach'?" Mira asked. "Yeah, let's go." We all got in the car and made our way to the Beach. We were told we didn't need to play today and should rest, as we only finished our phases a day ago. As we entered we saw two men looking around. As they heard our footsteps they shot around to look at us. The muscular man, who was wearing cargo pants and a tank-top, lifted his rifle at us. "Who are you?" The considerably thinner one asked. "You can put the gun down. We aren't here to fight you, this isn't an arena." Mira stated. "You guys look smart, do you want to form an alliance?" The muscular man said. " Sure! I'm Keiichi Kuzuryu." "I'm Kano." "I'm Takeru Danma." "And I'm Morizono Aguni." They all nodded. "Who are you two, you look quite young!" "I'm Sunato Banda, and this is Kano Hayami!" I waved at them. Aguni looked quite surprised, as well as Takeru, who has his mouth open. "Kano? As in Kano Akira?" I nodded. "Yep that's our dad!" I pointed at me and Mira "Welcome to the Beach!" Mira said as she spread her arms wide, a smile scattered across her lips. "Have you guys already played?" Kuzuryu queried. "Yeah we played a 3 of clubs." Takeru said. "Ah I see, we just came back from a Diamond game!" Banda lied. "Sounds cool." Aguni said.

Suddenly the lights flickered on. "Wow there's electricity here!" Takeru said. "This would be the perfect place to get 1000s of people to play games so we can collect all the cards, because according to my theory, thats how we get back to the real world!" he said. "What's your theory?" Asked Mira. "His theory is that once you collect all the cards of every suit, you can return to the real world, but only one person can after collecting them, so its important to collect as many of each suit and number as possible!" Aguni explained. "That seems like a quite reasonable theory! Especially if we attract many people here as there is electricity, we can collect all the cards very quickly!" I stated. "Exactly!" Takeru bellows. "We better get started then!" Kuzuryu says.


That's the prologue done! I will be posting edits on my tiktok - thecuddliestbearever, so pls watch the videos according to which chapter you've read (it will be stated in the cover of the video) unless you want to see spoilers!! I hope you enjoy! (Also sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes, once I've finished writing the whole story I will look through and correct anything!) Also if you have any ideas let me know! Thank you!

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