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    On the way back, Zhou Nan drove the car very slowly, and looked at the person in the rearview mirror from time to time. Although he only saw his jacket undulating slightly, being able to feel her breathing was already a blessing to Zhou Nan. A happy thing.

    what's next? Li Wanqing's words made Zhou Nan not dare to relax at all. There is no way to make up for the damage she has suffered. She may continue to try to commit suicide. How long will it take for her lack of self-confidence and her sense of insecurity to return to normal? What does it look like?

    Carrying her back to the apartment, this time it was much easier than last time. Wu Ye sent everyone away and stood waiting for them at the door. When he saw Situ Che, he was about to pounce on him, and at the same time let out a deep moan. Crying, Wu Ye grabbed the leash, but he knew to keep quiet and kept his eyes on Situ Che.

    "Wanderer", Zhou Nan greeted her in a low voice, Wu Ye is so smart, he must be able to guess what she wants to do today,

    "Why... how did it become like this", Wu Ye saw her Situ Che, who was as thin as a stick in his arms, trembled unconsciously.

    Zhou Nan put her gently on the bed, remained silent for a long time, and told Wu Ye what Li Wanqing had said,

    "Can she recover?"

    Wu Ye raised his hand in Situ Che's mouth. She caressed Che Che’s cheek lightly, and was so distressed that she couldn’t speak for a moment, and she remained silent for a long time,

    “I’ve only seen a similar one in foreign countries before, but it failed in the end, but there is still hope in life, she really You are so tenacious.”

    Zhou Nan smiled softly, she was so grateful for her tenacity,

    “It’s not fair to her at all, she worked hard to live for you, but what did you get in return? Try every means to fight against her", Wu Ye changed the subject,


    "Nan Nan, are you still angry with your father?" Situ Che would not wake up for a while, Wu Ye decided to First resolve Zhou Nan's knot,

    "I don't want to forgive him", Zhou Nan's tone is not indifferent, but the resistance is very strong,

    "Archer has a very kind personality and likes to give in, but he is by no means a person who is easily threatened. Which one of the Song family and the Zhao family can threaten her?" Wu Ye sighed, "The reason why she would Promise to your dad, just because your dad agrees with her, you have always been smart, why can't you figure this out?"

    Zhou Nan turned her head to the side, still as if she didn't want to hear it, she had no position to blame Zhao Qi and Situ Yi, put everything on Zhou Jing's head. She knew it was unfair to her father, but she couldn't control it. When she thought that her most trusted father was persecuting Situ Che like this, she couldn't forgive him.

    "Your dad just wants you and her to be together. You have to be in charge of the company and protect your relationship. He is doing it for your own good. He didn't mean anything to Archer, and he didn't mean to hurt her. Song Haoran is also the one who protects her in front of him, he is thinking of you wholeheartedly, you can't treat him like this", "

    During this time, he has been haggard a lot, no matter how sad you are, he is no worse than you, if you do it today What a stupid thing, he will be with you too." He couldn't talk to her rationally, Wu Ye had to change the angle,

    Zhou Nan's eyes were red again, Wu Ye knew that it was almost the same, and the topic returned to Situ Che ,

    "Now her identity has changed, many people are watching her",

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