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     Wilbur and I hadn't actually hung out for a while. We had really busy schedules and just didn't have time. But this morning as I was making breakfast I got a message from Jack.


Hey, y/n. I'm doing an improvise stream tonight with Will and Tommy, wanna join?

     I thought for a moment, I had nothing to do today so I could definitely go. But I was also worried that Jack would make me do something stupid in front of Wilbur, I thought for a bit and then responded.


Hey, y/n. I'm doing an improvise stream tonight with Will and Tommy, wanna join? 


Yeah of course! Just don't make me do anything weird with Will or Tommy.

     Jack told me awhile ago that he could tell when Wilbur liked someone, which honestly could be useful tonight. I got ready for the day and then watched YouTube for most of the day.



     Once the time came around I made my way to the place Jack told me to meet up for the stream. Wilbur was already standing there and his face became slightly red when he saw me. Jack was getting the final things set up and I looked at Wilbur, "Hey, Will. Want a hug?" He nodded and we then hugged, his grip was a bit tighter than I was expecting, but it was nice. Tommy walked in on our hug and shouted, "Wilbur's got a girl!" Wilbur then picked up a foam sword off of the ground the ground and I giggled quietly, "Boy, boys, calm down." I stood between the two while Jack finished setting up, "Okay, since y/n hasn't done this before I'm going to go over it real quick." Tommy and Will quickly stopped their 'fight' and looked at Jack, "Basically y/n, one of us is going to give the others a scenario, and you just act along with the theme." I nodded and walked over to where the camera was pointing, Wilbur followed me and stood beside me. He was a bit close but I didn't mind, our hands were almost touching because of how close we were. Tommy kept giving Wilbur a smug look whenever we were next to each other, so I knew something was up, I didn't want say anything until after the stream was over though. Just in case something happened between us. There was a countdown and then Jack began his stream.



     I didn't know that Jack invited y/n. I had been meaning to message her and see if we could hang out. I knew she was learning guitar and I wanted to try to teach her. It could give me an excuse to hold her hands so she knew all the right fingerings. Tommy knew how I felt about y/n because I accidentally said it in a call with him, luckily neither of us were live, but now he won't shut up about it. "Wilbur likes a girl..." Tommy quietly taunted at me while Jack explained to the chat what we were doing. Once the scenario actually began it was Tommy, y/n, and me. "Alright, you guys are Sims and I'm the player." Oh great, we have to listen to what jack says. I thought in my head. "y/n, you're feeling friendly, hug Wilbur." I looked at her and she then hugged me. I felt my face get warmer and stood there for a moment, I then hugged her back. Even though it was just a friendly hug, it felt nice to be this close to her. Since y/n was so short compared to me, I had to put my head on top of hers. Jack laughed and looked at Tommy, "Okay, Tommy. Go have a conversation with y/n." I knew with that I had to let y/n go, I just wanted to stay like that for just a moment longer, but I let her go and Tommy began to speak simlish to y/n. This was basically how the stream was until one moment.



     "Okay, chat. Is there anything you want to see?" Jack was still really hyper. The rest of us, however, we're quite tired at this point. Wilbur was blushing a bit but I didn't say anything to him. Tommy on the other hand, did say something, "Oi, Will. You're blushing." Wilbur ignored Tommy and looked down, I gently patted his back and he seemed to blush more. Jack read a message from the chat, "Have y/n and Wilbur be a couple and have Tommy be the therapist." I then began to blush as Wilbur looked at Jack, "Should I like, carry her, or something?" Jack shrugged, "Whatever you think, Will." And with that I felt Wilbur's arms go around my waist and legs before he picked me up, I didn't do anything for a moment, Tommy at this point was laughing hysterically. "Carry y/n around. Will!" Wilbur then did just that, he carried me around so chat could see, I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and then we continued the stream.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now