Rock climbing

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A few months had gone by and Wilbur and I had been together for nearly a year now, honestly he was so charming and it was basically impossible to keep a straight face around him.

My streams were also starting to get more views ever since Wilbur announced us, honestly even though most of my fans came from Wilbur, it was nice to know that I was growing as a content creator.

Today for my stream I was doing an IRL stream and just walking around the Brighton area with Tubbo. I was giving Tubbo some free promotion of his server, "Seriously though, Tubbo. I'm proud of you man, I gotta play in your Minecraft server at some point man." I said, "Thanks, man. Oh, do you want to go get some ice cream?" Tubbo asked. I nodded and I followed him into a nearby ice cream shop.

My nostrils were immediately hit by the smell of fresh waffle cones the moment Tubbo opened the door. We both walked in to see a nice 50's themed interior. "What kind of ice cream would you like, Y/n?" Tubbo asked as we walked to the counter. "Oh, some (flavor) please." I answered, Tubbo then ordered our ice creams and we watched as the employee made our order.

Once we had paid for our ice creams we sat down and began to eat them. "So..." Tubbo said after a moment, "How's Wilbur?" I looked over at him and replied, "Oh, he's fine. We're actually going to do some shopping for my apartment tonight." We both finished our ice creams and Tubbo smiled, "Well, have fun with that, gran." I laughed a bit and gave Tubbo a mocking glare, "I'm not that old, man." I said with a mocking tone. "You're only like, four years younger than Wil." He replied, we then both laughed and headed out of the shop.

I held up the camera a bit so chat could see both Tubbo and me. "Rock climbing next, Tubbo?" I asked, Tubbo nodded excitedly and we made our way to the rock climbing building. This was part of Tubbo's subathon and was going to be a video for my channel, so we had rented out the place so we wouldn't annoy people. "So who's all going to be here, Tubs?" I asked, he thought for a moment before answering, "Tommy, Ranboo, and I believe Wilbur."

I actually haven't met Ranboo yet but Tubbo had told them that I watched their content and he told me that Ranboo seemed happy and excited to meet me. "Oh, cool, can't wait to meet them." I replied with a smile. We then walked over to the rock wall and I saw Wilbur messing around with Tommy while Ranboo just kind of watched. "Hey, Wil!" I shouted.

Wilbur stopped fooling around with Tommy and smiled when he saw me, "Hey, Y/n!" He replied and walked over to me, we hugged for a moment and then he picked me up. With a laugh I said, "Put me down, Wil." Wilbur chuckled and shook his head, "Nope." "Why?" I asked, in response Wilbur's quickly kissed me and then placed me down on the ground. Tubbo was talking to Ranboo and Tommy so they didn't seem to notice.

I quickly kissed Wilbur back and then walked over to where the equipment was. "Don't get hurt, love." Wilbur said as he patted my head. "I'll be fine, Wil." I replied with a slight shade of sarcasm. Wilbur put his hands up defensively and chuckled, "Let me care about you." He said. I hugged him and smiled, "Fine." I replied, we quickly kissed again then met up with everyone else.

"Alright, do you have your equipment on Tubbo?" I asked, "Yep." Tubbo replied with a nod, Wilbur placed his arm around my waist and I attached my go pro to my helmet, "I actually haven't been rock climbing before." I said, "It'll be fine, plus if anything happens I'm sure Wilbur will drive you." Tommy said with a mocking tone. I laughed a bit and then walked over to Ranboo, "Nice to meet you, Ranboo. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, but I'm Y/n." I said while holding my hand out to them. Ranboo shook my hand and replied, "Nice to meet you, I see you're good friend with Wilbur." I laughed a bit and replied, "Indeed I am, he's a very sweet guy. I hope we can be friends, Ranboo." I watched Ranboo's eye reveal live so it was awesome to actually see them in person.

"We should do a few minutes of warming up before we start climbing." Tubbo suggested, "Good idea, don't want old man Wil to hurt himself." I said jokingly. Wilbur looked at me with a mocking sad face, "I'm not that old." He said, I laughed a bit and Tommy said, "You're the oldest one here, Wilbur. We could call you Grandpa and call Y/n Grandma." I glared at Tommy, "I'm not that old, Tom!" I said. Tommy laughed and we then began to warm up.

~Time skip~

"Come on, Wilbur! Get to the top!" Tommy and I shouted, Tubbo wanted to race Wilbur to the top of the wall and currently Wilbur was winning, Ranboo was voting for Tubbo. Whoever won would get five gifted subs from each person who lost. It was a bit scary to watch Wilbur climb up so high, the wall was like 30 feet tall and I was so worried about Wilbur slipping. At the last second Tubbo made it to the top and Tommy pouted like a child, "Well, Ranboo. Looks like you're getting ten gifted today." I said with a laugh. Wilbur and Tubbo got down after a while and Wilbur walked over to me.

"I lost..." Wilbur said with a mocking pout. "Aww... Come here." I relied while holding my arms out to him, he then came over and we hugged. Tommy then cleared his throat and said, "I challenge you to the top, Y/n." Wilbur looked over at Tommy like he was crazy, "You sure? You saw how hard it was for Tubbo and me." He said, Tommy scoffed and replied, "That's because you're not a big man like me, and Y/n will be fine, Wil."

Wilbur still seemed a bit worried but I got my harness attached and waited for Ranboo to count us off. "3... 2... 1... Go!" Ranboo counted off, Tommy and I then began our race. I was winning by only a small amount, but Tommy was quickly catching up. I could hear Wilbur shouting my name while we were climbing along with Tubbo. After a few minutes Tommy and I were breathless.

"I say we stop here, Tom." I said in between breaths. We were only halfway up the wall and I could tell that Tommy was out of breath when he replied, "Draw?" "Definitely." I replied as we both made our way back down. Once we were both back on the ground Wilbur came over to me, "You okay, love?" He asked. I nodded and drank my water, "Yeah, that was surprisingly tiring though. I don't know how you actually made it to the top." 

Wilbur chuckled a bit and picked me up, "Okay, you need to sit down for a bit." He said as he carried me over to a bench and sat me down. I drank more of my water and asked, "Could we get something sweet after this?" Wilbur chuckled again and nodded as he placed my head on his shoulder, "Of course." He replied. Ranboo and Tubbo were racing up the rock wall and Tommy was watching and chanting Tubbo's name. 

Wilbur suddenly grabbed my chin gently and had me look at him, "You okay, love?" He asked. "Yeah, just... tired." I replied. Wilbur leaned in a bit and chuckled, "Do you need something sweet?" He asked, I nodded again and giggled, "Yes please." I replied, Wilbur smiled and kissed me. Once he pulled away I laughed and replied, "That's not what I meant, Wil." He smiled and pulled out a granola bar for me, "I know, but I couldn't resist myself." He said with a chuckle. I took the granola bar and we watched Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy for a little bit.

Honestly since I've met Wilbur. My life has changed for the better.

I could get used to this.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now