"Cui este mașina asta?" (Who's car is this?) My brother asked.
"American." I replied.
He looked at me with an unbelievable face, "Ai întâlnit un american aici?" He smirked. (You met an America here?)
"It's true. She almost hit me and Oditir."
"Nu-mi vorbi engleza, Y/N. Știu că ești bun la școală, dar te rog, fratele tău e prost." He scolded me when I talked in English. (No, don't speak English to me, Y/N. I know you're good at school, but please, your brother is dumb.)
"Nu este adevarat. Ești atât de inteligent și mai responsabil decât mine." (That is not true. You're so smart and more responsible than me.) I said it truthfully. My brother and I are so close together.
"Tot ceea ce. Deci motorul s-a supraîncălzit și se pare că acest american nu știe să schimbe uleiul." (Whatever. So the engine overheated and apparently this American doesn't know how to change the oil.)
I nodded to him and check around the car again since I am curious. "Ea l-a închiriat pe acesta," (She rented this one,)
"Ce?" (What?)
"Zolo's. Ea l-a închiriat pe acesta to Zolo's."
"Ei bine, asta e problema acum. Voi vedea ce pot face. Și vei curăța hambarul timp de o săptămână, corect?" (Well, that's the problem now. I'll see what I can do. And you're going to clean the barn for a week, right?) My brother asked.
"O saptamana? Credeam că am doar 4 zile?" (One week? I thought I just have 4 days?) Since he will not charge me to fix Miss Jenna's car, he decided to let me clean our barn for 4 days, but now it's one week?
"Vrei să o repar repede sau nu?" (Do you want me to fix it fast or not?)
I groaned and let myself be defeated by my brother. I mean, Miss Jenna really need this car, this is her main transportation.
"Fine." I get my baseball hat and headed to the barn.
"te iubesc, surioară!" (I love you, little sis!) He teased.
I go to our barn and I see our horses here. I'm going to groom them and feed them for this day. It will be a lot of work for me, but I got used to it. I love having some time with our horses, they are so lovely to take care of, but not the part where you're going to clean their shit.
The afternoon came and I trained Oditir to do some jumping tricks with a rider on it. We always join horse racing and show jumping. And I always got 2nd place. This horse is lazy as fuck.
"Y/N!" My brother called me. I nudge Oditir to go to him on the ramps.
"Avem o mică problemă." (We have a little problem.) He told me.
"Mașina are nevoie de încă o baterie, iar Masi a spus că o va livra în 3 zile." (The car needs another battery and Masi said he will deliver it in 3 days.) He explained.
I sighed. I might get the American some hope that we will fix her car today, but it failed. "Îi voi spune că va dura mult să-l termine." (I will tell him it will take a long time to finish it.)
"Hmm... Her? ca o fată?" (like a girl?)
"Da de ce?" (Yes, why?)
"Nimic. Încearcă să-i oferi acestui american o plimbare timp de 3 zile în mod românesc." (Nothing. Try giving this American a ride for 3 days the Romanian way.) He suggested to me and I didn't get his point.
Imagines with Jenna Ortega
FanfictionThis is JennaxFemReader! Requests are open! This book can be another character played by Jenna Ortega. For most of the story, Y/N is taller than Jenna, but you can play smaller than her. enjoy!