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The long table was occupied perfectly with different emotions and expressions plastered on each face - Juyeon, Heiji, Changmin and Chanhee on one side whilst the rest on the opposite.

It was just unfortunate that Hana ended up sitting across Juyeon and next to him, Heiji who seemed purposely wanted to show off their lovely relationship in front of her.

Every time Heiji and Juyeon exchanged their food, Hana's appetite automatically turned off, the portions that had gone down her throat were threatening to come out. But, the lovebird seemed not even to care about the surroundings or maybe they forgot that they were in public.

Gross - Hana thought.

"I've never expected that this day will come when Heiji, the queen of our campus sits with us", Changmin sounded amazed as he spoke up, his cheek laid on his palm as he admired the view before his eyes.

He did not realize that he had earned many looks from the rest around the table, everyone's faces were mostly disgusted. Upon hearing what Changmin had said, Heiji looked at Juyeon as she placed her palm on the boy's bicep as if she was proud and shy at the same time.

By the view, Chanhee loudly scoffed which seemed on purpose, just to gain Heiji's attention which he did. The corner of his lips eventually tugged upward, he felt victorious to the core.

"Sorry", he shrugged, slightly glaring at the self-claiming goddess.

Hana must say that she found this funny. How Chanhee diligently took the chance to humiliate Heiji, she was struggling to keep her smile from spreading on her face.

"You've ruined the moment", Changmin hit Chanhee's arm which the latter groaned, returning the hit. "Don't you see how lovely they are? They are perfect for each other."

At that, Hana felt her stomach turn, the nauseousness hit her right on the spot and she finally let out the sound, covering her mouth next.

She felt tears brimming in her eyes in which she shook her head vigorously to make them disappear. The moment of silence awakened her instinct that she might have interrupted everyone's peace.

"Oh sorry", panicked, she apologized to everyone present. "I think my gastric comes back."

It was hard to decipher whether it was true or it was just the aftermath after watching a disgusting scene laid in front of her. Nonetheless, little did she know, that she had messed up.

"It may get worse", Juyeon spread his long arm forward, reaching for Hana's forehead, the girl flinched at the sudden touch. "I'll go buy the medicine for you."

It happened in a real quickly that Hana had no time to process it. What she saw was only Juyeon's back getting smaller in view as he left the food court and Heiji's voice shouting for his name. But he never stopped for that.

"Someone is being protective", Freya cooed, nudging Hana teasingly before she whispered another word. "And someone is going crazy."

At that, Hana seemed to get the idea of what it meant. Her eyes immediately found the girl she hated the most, Heiji was glaring at her.

Strange enough but she did feel happy at the sight.

When Juyeon came back, he was not only passing the medicines and some sour candies to ease nausea, but he would make sure that Hana took precautions like he had prepared a checklist of what to do if the girl was getting attacked by the gastric.

And it had flared Heiji even worse, her glare never left Hana even when they had resumed the shopping course.

Never once did Hana feel intimidated by the glare, it indeed made her hate the girl who they claimed as the goddess even more.

Truth be told, Heiji's existence was long forgotten when Hana's attention was fixated on a dress displayed in one of the shops. The dress seemed perfect for the party and she could not rid her eyes from it.

It was calling for her name.

"I have to admit that we have the advantage as the members of the decoration team", it was then, that Kevin parked himself next to her, skimming the same dress. "This one is clearly for you. It suits the theme very well."

He showed her the chef's kiss sign. His thin lips playfully pouting, Hana's laughter erupted a while later sounding like a lullaby in Kevin's ears.

"Alright Kevin, I'll get the dress", she rolled her eyes jokingly before she added, "Thank you for killing my purse."

"If you want, I can buy it for you", he said, making Hana more flustered. She did not expect to hear it from anyone, not even him.

"Please Kevin, I will be eaten by guilt if I get this for free", she shook her head softly, flashing him her sweet smile. "Anyway, thank you for the offer."

Kevin was disappointed but he could not blame her for being too nice. If he was in her position, he might have done the same. And he did not want Hana to be awkward around him after this if he kept pressing her with that offer.

So he surrendered.

Instead, he followed her to the counter where they both waited for the staff to pack her dress. He accidentally noticed Heiji's stare that was piercing through Hana's skull from across though the girl herself did not notice.

Kevin's curiosity got the best of him.

"Judging from the negative auras around you and Heiji, I bet something had happened between you two", Kevin met with Hana's blinking eyes that were slightly questioning something. "No?"

She opened her mouth but sealed it back when she failed to utter some words. No matter how she changed her mindset to think, it never clicked.

"You know, I've stopped checking the campus portal but, I'm surprised that there is no bad gossip about me yet."

"What?" he crossed his arms, paying full attention to her. "Is it necessary?"

"Kind of."

"Hana", Kevin raised a brow towards her as his head slightly lowered. "What exactly happened?"

Biting her lower lip, Hana was confused, too confused about what to do. Either to spill or to keep.

But her choice was the second.

"No worries Kevin", she assured. "I got this."

If only Hana knew that Kevin never bought her answer and he could never sleep peacefully at night. He needed to find the truth to be able to sleep.

And that was how Kevin successfully cornered Heiji.

"Let me get this straight to you...."

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