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"I, Finn Crinia Dante, Son of God Aldrin and Goddess Dahlia. Pledge to Take care and protect this Region with all my power and will." I pledged.

"You are now the God of Dahlia. The council of Elders believe you'll do a magnificent Job." Said the old priest. He slowly handed me the crown. I put it on and bowed down to my parents. An applause was heard as I rose. And that is when I became a God. That ceremony is probably the most important I've been to. Being given such responsibilities as a God is hella hard. I sat back in my Throne and asked for some mint lemon Tea.

Ever since I became The God Of Dahlia, Stuff has changed. People refer to me formally now. And even my castle is getting enchanted. This damn huge region is a bit. well. annoying.

Ever since they heard they have a new God they've been testing my abilities as they do not believe that I exist. Except one boy though. Hoku

He's a strong believer who lives in his decent apartment. He's studying magic but can't quite grasp it well. I watch over his family and him most of the time when I'm free and everything is going well in the Region. His parents are well and safe. I've already blessed them with long lives. My best friend, Amora. Says I'm a simp. I just turned 2100. In the Plane of Cecils, I'm literally allowed to do anything.

Hoku is pretty cute though. He studies hard. He's a really nice person. He follows the region's rules. He even visits the Crinia Shrine everyday. He prays. I answer. He offers. I accept.

I never thought I'd like a human that much. He's practically my favorite. He broke up with his ex boyfriend just because he didn't believe in me a few hours ago. Now he's crying on his bed. I don't know what to do. Some magic would cheer him up. I have to get into his mind though. I don't like doing it but it's the only way.

Hoku's POV

'I should do some magic. Yeah that'll help. I thought to myself. What if I just try one forbidden spell. Just one right?'. I thought to myself. I've always had this book since I started reading when I was 10. I bought it from some shady bookstore. I've never tried some spells in it. I've always heard rumors about this book being forbidden.

"Dante! Royal bloodline. I call out your name to your youngest God. Show yourself!" I casted. The pentagram did a lot of justice to this spell. It should turn white meaning it won't work. If it turns red I should beg for dear life.

A second later, it turned red. I've never done this spell nor practiced it. How the fuck did it work!?. I panicked trying to keep the floating spell book stable in my control. Suddenly, everything went pitch black.

A few hours later

I woke up feeling drowsy. I slowly opened my eyes to see a tall figure in front of me . "Wait who are you and where am I." I almost yelled looking around. "Relax." The tall handsome guy in front of me said. His voice was deep, smooth and calming.

No ones POV

He was wearing almost nothing. All the godly attire he was wearing was white with spots of gold accessories. "I'm the God you worship Hoku". Finn said calmly.

"I'm so sorry My Lord!. I didn't think the spell would work that well!. Please have mercy." He pleaded getting on his knees. "Hoku. I need you to listen. You did nothing wrong. I saw you crying so I gave you the idea that you should do some magic. I'm to blame". Finn assured the shorter.

"No but really I'm sorry for bringing you trouble" he said with tears rolling down his face. "You haven't brought me any trouble Huxley. Now get up and stop crying. Don't look down by the way. " Hoku got up and looked down . "AAHHH!" He screamed. "I told you." He said sweeping him off his feet. The reason is of course, they're in thin air above the clouds.

"Hoku. Look at me. You are a strong believer. You worship me everyday. You haven't brought me any trouble. You just made my journey much easier .You're a good boy Hoku keep it up." He said putting him back on the bed. Hoku just blushed in embarrassment from the praise and the God's actions. Finn wiped the younger's tears and looked him in the eyes. 'He's so hot in real life. Much manlier than in the books' Hoku thought to himself.

"And for your information. I can read human's minds. Thanks. " Finn whispered. Hoku's face went red. "So you think I'm hot. Quite unholy for a believer. You're lucky your my favorite pretty boy". Hoku blushed immensely looking away and mumbled a 'thank you.'

Within a second, Hoku was on his lap on the huge bed. "Your welcome. Let me tell you how you got here." Hoku nodded nervously. "The book you had was dropped from the the castle when I was 13 trying to get a book on the top shelf without my powers. It ended up on the sidewalk near the shady bookstore the same day. You were going to buy some books for revision when you found that on one of the old dusty shelves right?" "M-mhm"

"You ended up buying it because of the interesting cover and description. When I realized you were crying today from your breakup, I decided to cheer you up with some magic. I also didn't think it would work. The spell worked and sent you to my throne room unconscious so I put you on my bed. Now here we are darling."

"O-okay. But why are you calling me those names?" He stuttered. Finn's irises turned Into shades of red and pink. His pupils went into a heart shape. He smiled looking like some insane yandere. He cupped Hoku's cheeks looking him in the eyes. Hoku blushed and tried to break eye contact. "Because I want your love Hoku. Why do you think you are always so lucky and healthy. Ever since I started ruling over Dahlia I just found myself liking you." Hoku looked astonished. How can a fucking GOD say that to him.

The God he worships likes him. "Did CUPID SHOOT YOU OR SOMETHING!?" Hoku yelled. "Uh Hoku sorry about that. Cupid's messing with me. He does that sometimes." He finally snapped out of it. "Oh-ok. So Uhhm how do I go back?. To Dahlia?". "I'm not sure but you can stay here in the meantime." He muttered.

Finn POV

What the heaven got into me. Lying about cupid saved me. But why did I just lose control like that. I better ask Amora. I'm sorry I had to lie to you Hoku.

No ones POV

Finn made his way to Amora's house. He left Hoku in his room and told him to get comfy before he left. "Hi Amora. I have a problem". "Yo!. What's up?" Amora replied. "I like a human somehow. Cupid wasn't messing with me or anything. It just came out on it's own. I don't know what to do. The human is in my room at the moment." He said worryingly

"I don't think your parents told you this but Young Gods are quite sensitive to love. Love will control you until your strong desire is met . Then it'll stop. But it makes your bond stronger. This only affects you if the other party has even the slightest feelings for you. So my bro... You are in love" She brought out.


Thanks for reading my new book!!. Be sure to read 'Struggles and Hormones' Too!!. Love you<3Have a good day/night and remember to drink water and take care of yourself!.

God's favorite | BL | GAVE UP/DISCONTINUED|  By: IloveTrinWhere stories live. Discover now