An interrupted trip.

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[Cat reveal. His name is Ginger. Basic I know. Funny fact: His last two names are one of my character's names. Hehe. Just because I'm
given the responsibility to name the pets and I couldn't decide on one name.] (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

Just some fluff and kissing.
Love you! ♡︎

    It was early in the morning and Hoku woke up first. He looked at the older who was still sleeping like a new born baby.

Finn sensed some movement on the bed and woke up. "Oh, love you're up. How did you sleep?. I slept amazing. Can't believe you humans get to rest like that every day. I only get to do that every once in a blue moon." Finn said in a tired but happy tone.

"Good to hear. It's good to always take a break you know. I slept pretty good. Better than I ever have." Hoku started tiredly. He looked at the older and smiled lightly. "I'll do it everyday if I get to do it with you." Finn said sweetly.

The god leaned in for a kiss and held the younger in his arms. The kiss was long and sweet. Nothing but warm feelings and butterflies in their stomachs.

"I love you so much. Why are you so loveable. My parents have to see you." Finn said excitedly. He couldn't stay still. He hugged the shorter even tighter.

"Eh!?. Your parents!?." Hoku yelled surprised. "How would they react?." He tried to stay calm but the thought of two powerful gods just scared him.

"Woah. It's alright if you aren't ready. They'd love you I swear. They're really nice. I miss them all the time. They just don't visit and I don't visit and we're always busy. Hoku it's totally fine if you don't want to right now." Finn assured the shorter.

"I'll meet them. With you by my side I'm sure I'll be good. I was just surprised that's all." He said hugging the older back.

"Well, would next week work?." Finn asked calmly. "Yes. Yes it would." Hoku answered. "Great. What do you want to do today then?."

"Now that I think about it, I don't know how this place looks. How about a tour?. If possible that is." He suggested.

"Sure!. I'll get you some clothes. Breakfast will be served in the main hall. The castle is huge so you're gonna have to wait a little. I'll be back in a little love." Finn said leaving a kiss on Hoku's forehead before leaving the room.

Hoku nodded and patiently waited for his clothes in his train of thought.

'How would Finn's parents look like?. Ethereal and heavenly probably.  If Finn's hair is black, wouldn't his mom have black hair and his dad have black hair. Yeah that's common sense. His hair is long and soft. Wish I could play with it. His eyes are big and sharp yet masculine. His jaw is sharp and smooth. His eyes emerald green and sparkly. He's so perfect. His slender figure. How would his parents look?' he thought.

"I'm back!. And I've got something for ya." Finn yelled bursting in. "What did you get?. You seem so excited." Hoku asked a bit startled. "Just get dressed and you'll see."

"Okay........Yay!, Thanks for getting me my favorite clothes!. I love these so much. ".  "You're welcome love. Now get dressed."

Hoku wore his outfit quickly and rushed back to Finn and found him all dressed up. He sat on the bed and looked at Finn who was holding a box that was well wrapped.

He handed it to Hoku gently and gestured at him to open it. Hoku hesitated and undid the white ribbon and tore the red paper apart leaving him with a white box.

God's favorite | BL | GAVE UP/DISCONTINUED|  By: IloveTrinWhere stories live. Discover now