...A loss...

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Hoku didn't wake up beside the older for once. Of course he was worried where he is.. He was worried he left him for eternity. Abandoned.

He's obviously overthinking it...
Or is he?

Hoku quickly took a shower trying not to think about it too much. He had to go downstairs for breakfast and wanted to pass by the throne room.

He walked onto the red carpet looking down at his feet without glimpsing at the throne itself.

"Hi sweetheart, looking for me?"

Hoku recognised that voice the moment he heard it. "F-Finn?" he looked up at the throne to find the young god comfortably sitting on it.

"Yes Hoku? Need anything? Sorry I left in a hurry. I had a sudden meeting with the elder gods"

"It's fine... Can we go have breakfast together?" the servants stared at the couple expecting Finn to say no.

"Of course, let's go shall we?"

The servants really don't recognise their god if he's in love. Usually he's stern and strict and so unapproachable but now he's all lovey dovey with Hoku and lenient about everything. They're kinda jealous but majorly happy for him.

The young god headed to the dining room with his lover and sat down to eat.

"Hoku, you seem a little sad" the older said softly. It wasn't false, Hoku's eyes were all droopy and watery. "Are you okay baby?"

Hoku blushed at the sudden pet name but replied. "Y-yes... I was uhm.. Just a little... Yeah, a bit worried that you left me.... Like forever..." he replied his words all shaky.

"Baby, I'd never do that... You know how much I love you. I wouldn't leave you for the world. Am I understood?"

"..." Hoku sat there in silence and didn't reply. "Am I understood?"

Again, silence.

"U-uh.... Understood..." Hoku replied looking down with teary eyes. Finn immediately noticed this and cupped his cheek pulling him close. "C'mon baby, believe me,

" I love you more than anything, I'd give up my godhood for you... From the bottom of my heart I really really love you Hoku." He said hugging him. He pulled him onto his lap and kissed his forehead gently.

(why is my writing so cringe? 💀)

" I... I love you.. Too" Hoku replied between cries. He wiped his tears and hugged back. "That's... Not fair...I don't even help you though"

"You're here because I love you, okay? I wouldn't discard you for that reason. Honestly, I don't know how I came to fantasizing about marrying you but I definitely want to make it happen..."

"You're a god! I'm just a random person. You don't get it! You could've chosen anyone else!"
"Sweetheart...I chose you for a reason. I love you Hoku. I've never loved someone this way. I know, they're many humans I can choose-"

"No!" Hoku broke into tears and cried slamming the table. He hit the silver so hard his fingers bled. "Baby, stop please... Out of all the humans in our world...I chose you...I chose you!" At this point, the servants watched hoping for the best.

Hoku stopped and cried hiding his face with his injured and bleeding hands. "Hoku, you're worth more than you believe... I promise... You're perfect...made by the lord [REDACTED]. I swear...all the blood you're shedding right now...is worth the wings of the most high seraphim in this plane of Cecils... please...I really do want to appreciate you no matter who you are!...I love you"

"..." Hoku cried silently in shame and looked at his palms stained with his own blood...

"I-i I'm sorry Finn...uhm"
"Don't apologise... it's my fault for not showing you how precious you are.."

"I was being dramatic..."

"Baby stop that" he said pulling him close. "But-"

"Stop it... you're perfect Hoku...shut the fuck up"

Hoku stopped and just closed his eyes in shame once more. He leaned into the older's arms and sighed contentedly. Finn smiled and kissed his forehead gently. "T-thank you...s-sorry Finn...that was too much"

"It's okay..." He said healing the younger with his healing focus powers. His voice got a little weak. "Are you okay Finn?"

"y-yeah...just fi-" he fell to the ground passing out the same second Hoku was completely healed. "Uhm...Finn!??" "Wake up!! H-helppp!!" He yelled out trembling barely holding his weak boyfriend in his arms. He checked for a pulse. And it was weak ...too weak. Tears fell from his eyes as the servants tried their best to help.

"Finn...p-please... wake up... don't l-leave us..."
After a few seconds... Hoku got all the help he could. He had to take Finn to the god hospital. He was admitted and taken care of by the royal family's doctors...he wasn't breathing do well...so Hoju cried for hours begging the lord [REDACTED] for one more chance with his boyfriend...

Of course Finn is immortal...the only thing that can affect him is a coma...a row fever...

-A row fever is a very deadly disease that only begins in stressed youthful gods. Once a young prince or princess or anyone of the such , takes on godhood, they have quite a lot of stress. Although gods are immortal...If they stay in the coma, they perish... peacefully though. This coma occurs when a god has overworked themselves.. and when one has strong desire to continue working....maybe to protect someone important to them, family, a lover, a mentor...even themselves. So it does have a cure... lots of rest..and... healing spells. Affection through the mind also works as well. Only one with a strong connection with the victim can save them with pure sorrow... therefore, Row fever is very hard to deal with.

Hoku kneeled beside the golden framed bed the older was laid on. He tried everything he read but nothing worked. he cried for hours and soon enough when his head hurt, he got some sort of connection with the older. "Don't cry sweetheart, I'll be back I promise...I won't give up...I must stay strong-" Hoku was completely shocked but after the older's voice trailed off, he had some hope. "I miss you already... please don't leave me...Finn...I love you....I love you!! Don't leave!!"

They spoke that way for days on end... Hoku noticd that the older's voice got weaker as the days passed. He cried for hours uncontrollably.

One night he took it upon himself...he decided a remedy ...that didn't even exist...it only worked on corrupted illnesses... It wasn't listed in the cures...but he heard it worked for pretty much everything...'i must try' he thought to himself. The servants in the palace knew how much pain Hoku felt. A god being weak is quite unusual but Hoku did have some knowledge on it.

After some planning. He decided to acquire materials needed for the ritual...


God's favorite | BL | GAVE UP/DISCONTINUED|  By: IloveTrinWhere stories live. Discover now