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While porsche was a sleep a maid comes in and wake him up.

Maid: Sir? sir?

Porsche: WHO! WHAT! WHERE?!

Maid: wants you and pete go eat with them and his sons

Porsche: Oh! thanks for saying it me and pete will be there soon

Maid: Ok but pls be hurry, mr.kun don't like waiting

Porsche: Sure, sure

The maid got out of the room and porsche change, after porsche change he goes into Pete's room and wake him up.

Porsche: Pete? wake up mr.kun want us to join them dinner , hurry and get change the madi said mr.kun don't like waiting.

Pete: Huh? ok, ok sure

Pete hurry to got up and change, they go down, because the mansion was big they can't find the dinning area *i think we're lost?* pete said to porsche *yeah i think so, let's ask the maids* porsche responded

Porsche: Hi! uhm, can i ask?

Maid: Sure what is it sir?

Porsche: Where's the dinning area? the mansion is so big were lost

Maid: Oh! you two we're the visitors of the minor family isn't?

Porsche: Yeah we are

Maid: Go straight and then turn left you can see the dinning area there, be hurry mr.kun don't like waiting

Porsche: Yes we will, thanks

Pete: Did it help?

Porsche: Yeah let's go hurry

Porsche and Pete finally at dinning area there's a long table infront of them and it was full of food, pete was amazed he was excited to eat that he seat at the first chair he see.

Porsche: Pete! give mr.kun and his sons respect!

Pete: Oh! i forgot! hello mr.kun nice meeting you

Mr.kun: Hahaha nice to meet you pete, it's ok you two can seat let's eat, don't let the foods wait.

Pete and Porsche sits, while they were eating pete notice that vegas was staring at him like a he's mad, pete couldn't eat peacefully because of vegas stare, and finally vegas stare was cut when his father mr.kun says something that make porsche and pete look shocked

Mr.kun: I want you two keep in eye into my two sons

Macau: I want Pete tobe with me!

Mr.kun: Sorry macau but you will be having Porsche instead.

Macau: What? but i like Pete tobe my bodyguard

Mr.kun: Well i found out that he was weaker than porsche so i figure what if there's a serious battle you will get in, what will Pete do if you two we're scared?

Pete: I can protect sir.macau mr.kun i might be afraid in the dark but I'm not afraid on any battle.

Mr.kun: I know but you will go vegas instead, you night help him into something no one can do

Vegas: Dad? really your giving me this dumb bodyguard he can't even sleep alone

Mr.kun: Vegas! language! nothings gonna change end of discussion!

Pete and Porsche was stunned to what mr.kun's behavior also vegas *he's scary* pete whisper into porsche ears *shut up! and act normal* *fine sorry!*

Mr.kun: ok I'll be heading into my office now.

They are already done eating once they were done eating pete helped the maids clean up and Porsche follow macau.

Pete: Let me help you ma'am

Maid: No it's ok! you we're guest here we serve them.

Pete: No i insist!

Maid: What an angel personality, I'm sure your lover will be very lucky once they have you.

Pete: Well i wish i can have soon.

Vegas: Pete! what are you doing there? follow me we were going to the mall!fast!

Pete: But I'm helping the maids

Maid: You can go now, don't let him get angry

Pete: Ok! thanks!

Pete and Vegas leaves the mansion, while they were in there way into the mall it was so silent, but pete wan to talk to vegas, in a long minutes pete finally broke the silent.

Pete: Vegas?

Vegas: don't forgot to give me a respect!

Pete: Sorry, uhm how come you only have one cold emotion while your younger brother is a happy person?

Vegas: Why do you care?

Pete: Well I'm concern, macau said that your mother already past away, is it why you only show cold emotion, and can't trust anyone?

Vegas: My mom was the most happy person in the world and the most trusted person i know, she always smile no matter what happened, when we found out she has brain tumor we all are devastated, dad try to do anything he can, but sadly mom let go of my hand, he died in my hands, once she past away i feel all my strength have been lost, and my emotions was all gone, from that day, i can't ever trust anyone.

Pete: It's ok, let it out, sometimes you can't do anything you just have to let your tears out, once you cry you will be better.

Vegas cry into Pete's shoulder for a while, Pete try to comfort vegas to make vegas feel better, pete was good at comforting people's no wonder he comfort vegas so good, they already arrived at the mall, once vegas notice it he eventually wipe his tears and got out, pete follow him.

Pete: I'm happy you let you tears out, do you feel better now vegas?

Vegas: Once again!

Pete: Tsk, a while ago you look like a kitten who needs a comfort, now you look like a tiger.

Vegas: What did you say?

Pete: Oh! nothing! where are we going again?

Vegas: Let's go into the ice cream area.

Pete: You like ice creams too?

Vegas: So what if i do? do you have a problem with that?

Pete: No nothing at all, infact i also like ice cream, bubble gum flavor!

Vegas: You like bubble gum flavor too?.

Pete: Yes why? you like it too?

Vegas: Yes, well then I'll order it wait here.

Pete: Ok!

While they we're eating pete stares at vegas *what are you staring at?* *nothing you look more alive when your in the good mood* *shut up!, don't ruin my mood and hurry i wanna go home already* *ok!* when they we're finally done, they buy some snacks and go home.

Vegas: We're already here, here.

Pete: Ha? i thought you buy it to yourself?

Vegas: If you don't want it then I'll throw it

Pete: No! don't I'll eat it, thanks

Pete smiles at vegas, but vegas shows a cold emotion and go inside of the mansion, pete also go inside and go to his room and eat all the snacks vegas give him. Yummy! Vegas saw pete eating so happily he can't resist to chuckle.


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