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*As the hotel worker lead others to their rooms, pete start to unpack his stuffs and began to out them in a cabinet the hotel has, once he's done macau and pakorn interrupt him before he can go to shower, they ask if pete want to join them in the sauna bath, pete was about to say no but macau was forcing him to go, he had no choice because he's their bodyguard for a month*

*When they enter the sauna room they found bible already sitting and chilling their, pete insist that maybe pakorn and him were going to other sauna roo to make vegas and Macaulay comfortable but vegas says they can be there if they want to*

*A while ago pete excuse himself to go out first to take a rest, when he said it pakorn excuse himself too, since macau want tobe close at pakorn he also leave, when pete was about to take a nap, he hear a loud shot*

*In his mind it's not a fireworks or something, he grab his gun and began to search the first floor if someone was there, when the cost was clear he immediately go to vegas's room and found out that he's not there, he search for his grandma and little brother, he see his grandma and brother hiding at the cabinet while macau was standing in the front door being alert*

Pete:Grandama?! Pakorn?!

*Macau point his gun to pete, but he immediately put it away when he realized it's pete*

Macau: Oh god! it was you i thought it was the guys.

Pete: What guy's? grandma are you ok? pakorn you ok?

Macau: I heard the shot too i think they're still in the first floor, where's vegas?

Pete: I can't find him i think he's in the first floor.

*Pete call for some security team of minor's family, when he's done he immediately go to the first floor and began to find vegas, pete was searching the whole floor finding someone when someone grab him and cover he's mouth for a second while signing not to say and don't be loud*

*Pete realized it was vegas, they heard someone walking towards them, the footsteps stops, someone enter the room, vegas immediately shoot the guy, vegas says they're not safe at this hotel anymore and he held pete's hand and run upstairs, he shoot the guy who try's to block they're way*

*Pete immediately go to the room where Macau, his grandma, and pakorn was, they we're safe pete's was relief, they hurry to go outside the guards of the minor's family was already inside of the hotel and trying to find them*

Vegas: Pete! go downstairs protect grandma som while i the floor, macau protect pakorn, go downstairs and go to the van our security was already there!

Pete: But sir vegas what about you?

*Vegas shoot the person behind pete and his grandma he gesture his hand for them to stop talking and stop walking, while he's coming downstairs someone shoot vegas, vegas also shoot the guy resulting the guy to fell down, vega shoot the guy, they hurry to the first floor and manage to go to the van and scape from the scenes*

*Pakorn has been shot at his left arm, also vegas, macau and grandma som was ok, but they're still not safe, they drive into the secret place of vegas in korean, no one ever know where they are, there are some good doctors who can operate vegas and pakorn*

Macau: Are you ok now? does it still hurt?

Pakorn: Yeah it does, who are those guys? why are they after your family?

Macau: They're our enemy they've been wanting to kill me and my brother..

Pakorn: What?! why?

Macau: It's a long story, just rest there I'll check on my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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