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Pete wake up in the morning, he goes to the bathroom and shower, after he's done showering he was shock was sitting in his bed and waiting for him.

Pete: Shit!

Vegas: Language!

Pete: Sorry, but why are here, do you need help I'll change hold on.

Vegas: Make it fast i wanna go to the grocery store.

Pete: Ok sir.

After Pete was done changing, they both went downstairs and vegas get the car ready, when they finally arrived at the grocery store, vegas only go into the vegetable, vegas buy some vegetables and some fruits.

Pete: Are you going to cook

Vegas: What do you think I'm gonna do to this vegetables huh?

Pete: Ooh, my bad sorry

Vegas: Go get a flour,sugar,vanilla,eggs and strawberry's

Pete: Ok! sir!

Vegas: Let my driver pay for this let's go to cady area.

Pete: You like cady's too?

Vegas just nodded into Pete and they both go to the candy area, vegas buy some candy and a cupcake, pete want a cupcake too, when vegas notice it, he knew that pete wanted a cupcake too, so he buy pete cupcake.

Pete: Uhhh, haha, don't you think this is a little bit too much? i mean, you buy five different cupcakes i couldn't eat it alone

Vegas: Then if you can't eat it alone you can take it to the mansion, and stop being ungrateful.

Pete: Ok, ok you want some? this one is very delicious strawberry, my favorite dessert yum!

Vegas notice that pete has something on his cheeks he wipe it off, pete was shock *what a messy eater* vegas said Pete just laugh and continue eating, when pete finally done they both got in the car and go home.

Vegas: Where here, tell the driver the all of the things i buy bring it to the kitchen.

Pete: Ok sir!

Vegas wanna do a cupcake but he don't know how to make any, he tried to look at the internet but the first attempt it was not good, so he tried to ask one of the maids, once he know how to do it, he try making one again, it was successful and delicious he make two more, go to Pete's room.

He knocked, and when Pete unlocked the door he let vegas in, *what are those?* pete asked *i make them i want you to try it* vegas responded *it was delicious!* once vegas hear it he smile widely pete see him smile for the first time.

Pete: Woah!!! you look more handsome when you smile.

Vegas: Shut up! i better go now.

Pete: What about the cupcakes?

Vegas: Uh, it's- it's all yours now, eat it.

Pete: Thank you! vegas- i mean sir vegas!

When vegas got out of Pete's room he just smile, and his father see it, his father was happy that after a very long year he finally see his son smile again.

A while a go mr.kun knock to Pete's door, they chat for a while and after a few minutes mr.kun leave Pete's room, vegas saw it and he is wondering why his dad go into Pete's room.

It's been a two days and all of the people in the mansion was busy, macau notice that Pete was tired so he go into Pete's room...

Macau: Hey! Pete! you look so tired lately, have been my brother treating you like a servant?

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