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Pete: Uhm sir vegas are we gonna fit in there in the van? i mean it like six people in the van plus the driver equals to seven person..also there's a lot of...

Vegas: Are you always been this so talkative pete? there's two van i bought porsche, your grandma was gonna be there and some stuff's and me, you,macau and pakorn will be in this van..

Pete: Ok sir sorry, I'll call pakorn and sir macau.

*Pete called pakorn and macau over*

Pete: Ahh..sir macau you can sir beside sir vegas and ill seat beside my brother.

Macau: No it's ok I'll seat next to pakorn *smile*

Pete: Are you sure sir?

Vegas: Come on pete are you gonna enter? or you want me to cancel this vacation?

Pete: oh sorry sir.

Pete close the front door car and go to the backseat, but before he enter vegas spoke.

Vegas: What are you doing back there? seat in the front seat beside me..

*Pete try to explain why he wants to seat at the back, but vegas said he can seat beside him and don't talk to much macau and pakorn was to silent because of their conversation..*

*It's gonna take at least 2hours of them driving before they arrived at the airport, pete wanted to go to the bathroom but he's too afraid to tell vegas to stop at the nearest gas station so he try to hold it...*

*Pete is too uncomfortable at the van from holding it in 10 minutes vegas seems to notice it*

Vegas: Why the hell are you moving so much?

Pete: Oh sorry sir...

*Pakorn and macau was fast asleep because of they we're tired,while pete can't hold it anymore he try to ask vegas but seeing his face looking serious he didn't dare to talk*

Pete: Sir vegas?

Vegas: What?

Pete: Uhm,.. nothing..

*Pete can't really hold it anymore and try to hold into his seatbelt trying to hold it noticed it and ask*

Vegas: Hey are you ok?

Pete: I-i need to use the bathroom but,..

Vegas: Why you didn't tell me, god damn it!

*Pakorn and Macau woke up from their nap because of vegas shout, they seems confused and whisper to each other what was going on*

*They stop at the nearest gas station to fill their van a fuel also the other van where porsche and grandma som where are..*

*Pete hurry to the comfort room and use it, when he was done he saw vegas buying some food, he check what the time is and realized there are only 30 minutes left before theya arrived at the airport*

Vegas: Pete! what are you standing there? help me with this food

*Pete was stuttered and see vegas angry face and hurry to help him out, they give the food one by one to the people in the other van, pete can't help to feel angry with vegas, because he seems kind at the other people specially with his grandma and pakorn*

*Pete stared at vegas for a minute and realized he's handsome when he's not angry, vegas turned his head to him, what are you looking at? vegas said pete turned his face to other way, nothing sir pete said with a stuttering voice*

*when they got back again at the van pete was trying not to sleep, not long after they finally arrived at the airport they go to the airplane and seat at the first class seat all of them was shocked not include macau but pakorn was too stunned because this was his first time seating at the first class plane and his grandma*

*When they we're done arranging their stuff they seat at their assign seat and got to sleep because of the 2 hours of driving they we're really tired specially vegas*

*Pete seat after finishing arranging the stuffs when he seat he notice that he's sitting beside vegas, he feels that's vegas was uncomfortable sitting next to him, so he try's to sit far from him*

*When he's about to get up vegas grab his wrist and said where are you going? seat here, he's eyes was close, pete don't want to argue with vegas so he just seat down and nap for a little bit*

Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, i welcomes you to south korea, The local time is 8:11pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate thank you.

*They all wake up and a minute later they start to get their stuff, the two van was waiting them Infront of the airport when they get in, tye driver said it's gonna take a 1hour for them to arrived at their destination*

*Since they we're too tired they agree to the driver they can't speak korean but pete can so they become they're translator*

*When they arrived at the hotel vegas booked pakorn, pete, grandma som was too stunned because of the massive hotel vegas book, the hotel workers greet them Infront of the hotel*

Hotel workers: Hello sir vegas!

Vegas: Hi, can we check in already we're all too tired.

Hotel workers: Sure this way sir, pls just register here so you can go to the rooms sir.

Vegas: How many rooms in here?

Hotel workers: In the first floor it has 10 room in the second floor it has 5 room in total of 15 rooms sir, every room has a bathroom, every floor here has a sauna bathtub sir..

Vegas: Ok I'm done can we go now, pls help them to carry their stuff.

*Hotel workers lead vegas in the rooms so he can choose a room also macau, pete, pakorn, grandma som, porsche has something to do so he can't attend to the vacation anymore*

Vegas: This is my room pls escort them so they can choose room, pete will be next to my room ok..


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