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When macau,pakorn,and grandma som went into the grocery store macau was shock, and didn't expect that it's so crowded, he barely got lost.

Macau: Hey! pakorn! i didn't know this be so crowded here, don't you have like a actually store here?

Pakorn: This is our grocery store the store was outside.

Macau: What?! is it possible?!

Pakorn: Well you grow up into rich family, you can't understanding what I'm saying.

Macau: I regret going here, huhuhu!

Pakorn: Haha! you insist going here now deal with it! just hold my hand and don't let go until i say so.

Macau: Isn't weird?

Pakorn: What's so weird about it? you want to go lost again, ok.

Macau: Hey!, hey! fine! you don't respect me now Don't you?

Pakorn: We're not inside of the school..soo..

Macau: Fine whatever! just hurry i wanna go home

Pakorn: Fine.

Pakorn and Macau surely need to buy more ingredients they we're there for a half an hour, but finally they got done already, macau's feet was so tired he can't walk anymore, they sat into the bench for a while.

Macau: Hold on! my feet was tired,can we go rest?

Pakorn: No! we have to go home now.

Macau: Plsssss!! i can't walk any longer, plssssss!!

Pakorn: Fine, but just a minute because we have to go home later ok?

Macau: Yes! finally!!, we we're standing and just walkie there i was so tired.

Pakorn: Mmm-hmm now can you let go of my hand??

Macau: Oh! yeah sorry, your hands was soft anyways...

Pakorn: Let's go now, my brother and grandma might be worried.

Macau: Fine, but can we use my car?

Pakorn: Ahw! you have a car?!

Macau: Yes why?

Pakorn: Why you didn't say it?! we can just go to the grocery store using your car.

Macau: Oh...yeah i didn't think about that hahaha!

Pakorn: Let's go find your car i wanna go home too.

Macau: Oh! no, I'll call porsche to pick us up

Pakorn: What-

Macau: Don't say another word!

Pakorn just stay silent because he cannot win against macau, when Porsche arrived at them they got inside and go home, while they we're driving home pakorn feel sleepy, he doze off and when he was awake they we're already at home.

Porsche: hey? pakorn? we're here..

Pete: Pakorn? you really tired sorry i shouldn't just ask you to go to grocery store, well grandma was tired too sorry.

Pakorn: It's ok pete, ahw? where is macau? and the groceries?

Pete: Macau just got inside of the house.

Porsche: The grocery was in the kitchen already grandma som was cooking now.

Pete: Yeah, now go inside and change already we're gonna eat soon ok?

Pakorn: Ok.


Macau: Oh! your awake? I'm just gonna head there to wake you up, but porsche and Pete seems to wake you up?

Pakorn: Yeah.

Macau: Sorry i didn't wake you.

Pakorn: It's ok, sorry too i just make you tired.

Macau: It's ok, i will help grandma som in the kitchen.

Pakorn: Ok...

Pakorn went into his room and change, when he was about to go out porsche went in..

Porsche: Hey, pakorn

Pakorn: Yes? porsche?

Porsche: Do you not know what happened when we're in the car driving home?

Pakorn: No? why? is there something wrong?

Porsche: When you doze off, your head was in the car's window

Pakorn: Oh yeah, why is that?

Porsche: When your head was about to slipped sir.macau put your head into his shoulder, do you guys close?

Pakorn: What? i didn't notice it, no we barely tali to school, why you didn't wake me?

Porsche: Well sir.macau said don't interrupt you while you were a sleep.

Pakorn: Is that so? well I'll try to ask him..

Porsche: Ok then let's go eat?

Pakorn: Sure!


Grandma som: Hey? Pakorn? wake up dear, we need to go early your brother told me, hurry up and change we will wait you downstairs.

Pakorn: Oh, ok granny

Pakorn eventually shower and get dressed, he also have to pack some few things, when he was done he go downstairs and eat a little breakfast before heading to the airport, when they we're done they wait to someone macau called to pick them app, a minute later there's a white van stop in front of them, when the cars door open they found vegas waiting them to get inside.

Macau: Bro!! i thought you will wait us into the airport?

Vegas: Well i don't wanna wait there for a long time, hop in

Grandma som: Who is this handsome guy?

Pete: Granny, he- he is my bosses cousin.

Vegas: Let me help you there..

Grandma som: Granny som, just call me granny som

Vegas: Ok! let me help you there granny som!

Vegas: You need help too pete?

Pete: No, i can take it, but thanks


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