TW: Shooting, Death
I was with a group of people, we were split into two teams. There was a challenging we had to do, or else we'd have to clean up something they purposely spilled. My team ended up losing so I was helping clean up large specs of glitter/colored paper. We then went to somewhere where people were dancing, i went with with bad bunny to this persons house next to where we were, he held the door open for me. We walked in and this little old lady was making us green tea, and some sort of immune system shot. I offered to pay her what I had but she refused to take it. Bad bunny went into the bathroom to take a shower, maybe this was someone he knew. I drunk the green tea, it was in a glass mug. I then went and knocked on the bathroom door to see if bad bunny was ok. Next thing you know, I was in a big building with a bunch of people including my mom, grandma, sister and cat. Someone was angry at one of the people in the building, a group of cars surrounded the building and started shooting. I was running for my life through the front doors, into the parking lot reaching a very steep area. I could get almost to the top but not all the way, Harry Styles was out here butt naked, he grabbed my hand to help me reach the top. I was crying & scared. We went into this house we thought was abandoned, it was dark and not furnished very well, when i went to the kitchen i noticed fresh bananas, i ran into the owner of the house, she screamed and told me to get out. When i went outside my grandma came up to my and told me my mom, sister and cat didn't make it. I broke down, I screamed no, I was broken. I walked down a little bit to a victim recovery area, a cop was pointing where to go. There were people trying to give kids footballs I told them in a very harsh way, "Why would you try and give them a football when they have been traumatized"

Dream Journal #2
Fiction généraleThe second part to my dream journal. Capturing the dreams I have Trigger warning; some dreams are graphic, traumatic or mature. *none of these are real life scenarios, these are all my real dreams*