I was bald and couldn't speak, i was communicating by writing on a piece of paper. I walked up to this lady in the building and wrote something on the paper, she pointed towards the elevator. The elevator was playing a loud linkin park song, I pressed the button to go down. The elevator took me to a lil wayne concert, I stayed there for a bit recording a video of it on snapchat. I then went back into the elevator, it took me to a living room. 2014 Justin bieber was there with friends and his team, they were all smoking weed. I went back into the elevator, and it led me to another living room with justin bieber with his friends and team, they asked me who i was but I just sat down on the couch. Alfredo patted me on my head talking about my baldness. They kept staring at me.

Dream Journal #2
General FictionThe second part to my dream journal. Capturing the dreams I have Trigger warning; some dreams are graphic, traumatic or mature. *none of these are real life scenarios, these are all my real dreams*