Monday, December 9th #303

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I was home, there was this suspicious red car under my house. The cops were called and it was tied to an unsolved murder, i was talked to and questioned by the cops but they ultimately ruled me out of any wrongdoing. They were trying to find a way to get the car out from under my house, they were trying just to drive it out through this small opening but it didn't work.

Days later they came back suspecting that I had something to do with this unsolved murder. They take me to the police station for further questioning. I sit in an integration room alongside 3-4 different law enforcement officers. They tell me that there was dna on the car that matched to me, i break down because I literally have nothing to do with this car. They continue questioning me, eventually they make me talk about my abusive dad and the things that happened to me at his house when I was a child. They swab my mouth for dna, at this point I think they lied about having my dna on the car.

I sit there for a bit. They send me to this line, it's mostly a line of cars but there's a few people standing in it. I'm standing there crying at the back of the line, this toddler comes up to me with a book and a toy. He's playing and acting silly, i'm making sure he doesn't hurt himself and playing along with his silliness. He reminded me of my little sister.

I watch my mom pull up to the line just behind me from the parking lot, I just start bawling. This kid holds onto me tight. The line was not moving, I heard a man talking about how delayed they were. A man was walking through the line, i'm crying holding this kid and he tells me to come with him. He said that I was innocent.

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