I was at a gas station with my mom, it was packed to the brim. The line to the counter literally filled up the entire store. One of the workers told us to get into single file lines because we were kind of just wherever, my mom only wanted a cup of ice, the cashier handed her a dollar and some change instead of charging because she said that someone came in with too much money so she was giving some of it away. This gas station also gave away free parts, wood, broken pieces from items etc. I asked for a cup of ice and then ask her if they have any little wheels like that are on a cart, she told me they didn't but had other scraps I could look at if i wanted too. I showed her that it was for my disabled cats litter box and how big it was so i wanted to put wheels on it for better motion. She understood but couldn't help me out. I didn't get the one dollar and some change. I walked back out to my mom's car.
Dream Journal #2
Tiểu Thuyết ChungThe second part to my dream journal. Capturing the dreams I have caused by severe anxiety. Trigger warning; some dreams are graphic, traumatic or mature. *none of these are real life scenarios, these are all my real dreams*