I was moving into my own place, it had one or two bedrooms and an office space. I think I was supposed to have a roommate? there was a tornado warning so i went somewhere to a safe spot. I was beside one of the world trade centers, a plane crashed into the building making it instantly collapse. I was abducted somewhere with a lot of other people. we had a set schedule for everything, there were no phones, tv or radio. I had snuck in my phone somehow, everyone was walking so I took that as an opportunity to text my mom. the person who was keeping us hostage accidentally mentioned we were in africa. i quickly texted my mom "help" "i'm in africa"

Dream Journal #2
General FictionThe second part to my dream journal. Capturing the dreams I have Trigger warning; some dreams are graphic, traumatic or mature. *none of these are real life scenarios, these are all my real dreams*