cuddles 🫂

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I just got home from my night shift and I'm so tired I could fall asleep on the floor.

i opened the door of my and jude's apartment and smelled something delicious.

"hey babe."

"Hey Jude."

"tired darling?"

"oh yes. you have no idea."

"Come on, I ordered us something to eat but first I'll get a kiss."

I walked over to him and kissed him on the lips. After that we sat down at the dining table and ate together.

"how was your training?"

"Very good. I am now well prepared for the champions league."

"I'm glad love."

"You're coming, aren't you?"

"Of course. I always come to your games."

"And how was the work?"


I work in a cafe, which is actually quite nice, but it was very busy today.

"and I had to watch a couple break up."

"oh, what was the reason for the breakup?"

"She must have lost her feelings for him."


I then suddenly saw the fear in his eyes.

"everything ok jude?"

"do you think that would happen to us too?"

"What do you think?"

"that you lose your feelings for me?"

"No Jude. Never. i love you to much to let you go."

"Okey you're right darling I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. I will never stop loving you. I promise."

we talked a little more until we were done eating. i was about to clear the table when jude grabbed my hand.

"Ill do it. You go upstairs and rest baby."

"are you sure?"

"Yes darling. Go upstairs and take some time for yourself. Take a bath and relax."

"Thank you Jude."

"everything for you."

I walked upstairs to the bathroom and took a hot bath and relaxed. Then I put on something fresh and then went to bed.

Jude came along too. he lay down next to me and pulled me towards him.

"everything ok baby?"

"Yeah, just a little tired."

"then go to sleep darling."

"Good night Jude. I love you."

"Good night my darling. I love you more."

i love you

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