brother's best friend🫢

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i was in my room doing my homework when i heard the front door open. i knew it was my brother with his best friend jude.

here is the thing. Jude and I have been together for a while, but my brother doesn't know anything about it.

I don't want him to know because then he would end the friendship between him and Jude and that's the last thing I want. that's why our relationship is private.

When I was just doing my tasks, I noticed someone kissing my neck. i knew it was jude so i turned around and saw him smiling down at me.

"hey darling. what are you doing?"

"doing my homework. where's my brother?"

"oh he got out to get some pizza."

"and you didn't go with him?"

"nah. i want to be with you."

he winked at me and i felt how my checks warmed up. i got up from my chair and gave him a hug.

"wow. someone must have missed me a lot. come on. give me a kiss."

"but what if my brother comes in?"

"i don't care. i want to kiss my girlfriend so come on."

before i could say something he pulled me in for a kiss.

the kiss was too short for my liking but i heard how the front door opened. i pulled away from jude and sat on my chair.

"yo jude? where are you bro?"

i heard my brother shout from downstairs.

"you need to leave jude."

"but i wanna be with you."

he came behind me and started to kiss my neck again.

"jude my brother-"

"what are you doing in my sisters room?"

Jude stood up again and looked at my brother who was a little confused why Jude is in my room.

"uh he helped me with my homework. that's all."

"oh okey. jude you coming to the party right?"

i looked at jude and he looked at me for a second and looked back at my brother.

"nah bro. i think i'm gonna head home."

"you sure man? leila, the girl who has a crush on you will be there too."


"nah i'm good. i need to go home because my mom wants me to help her with something."

"okey bro. come on i'll drive you home."

my brother and jude left my room.
i saw how jude turned around and winked at me. after that i got a message from him.


i'm sorry baby :/

it's okey

so you wanna tell your brother about us?

i don't know
What if he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore? I could never forgive myself

darling it's gonna be okey
And if so, then I can finally kiss you in public and hold your hand

You sure you wanna do this?


okey. let's do it

alright. i love you ❤️

i love you more ❤️

i love you

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