he's jealous 😉

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jude and i are going out to a restaurant with some of his friends and their girlfriends today.

I'm getting ready and jude, as always, finishes faster than me.

"Baby come on. We have to go now."

"I'll be done soon."

"You don't need all that makeup. You're perfect without it."

"I know. I still want to look good."

i winked at him and he just rolled his eyes and laughed. after a while i was finally done and we made our way to the restaurant. arrived there i already saw mike with his girlfriend ella.

"omg y/n!! you look soo good."

"Thank you! I can only give it back."

we all talked until the others came. jordan, a good friend of jude's is one of my favorite friends of his.

i get along best with jordan. we have the same sense of humor, the same taste and much more.

"omg y/n. are you fucking serious!?"

"what do you mean?"

"You look so good. You look better than me?!"

I laughed and got up to hug him. when i did that i saw jude roll his eyes in annoyance. I then sat down next to him again and as always, jordan sits next to me.

"y/n come here let's take a picture."


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we then took a photo together and jude looked very annoyed so i whispered something in his ear so only he could hear it

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we then took a photo together and jude looked very annoyed so i whispered something in his ear so only he could hear it.

"everything alright babe?"


he didn't look at me and started talking to mike. i tried to
hold his hand but he pulled it away.

Ella looked at me questioningly but I just shrugged my shoulders. the evening went on until it was time to leave.

"the evening was great. we should do it again!"

"Definitely! Have a good time guys."

"See you then. Come home safe."

we all said goodbye and jude and i walked to the car.

"What is wrong?"

"nothing? what should be?"

"Stop it Jude. I can see how annoyed you've been all evening. What's wrong love?"


"talk to me-"

"It's nothing y/n!"

He exhaled deeply and wanted to hold my hand but I pulled it back.

"baby I'm sorry ok."


"what do you mean no? you don't accept my apology?"

"No. As long as you don't tell me what's wrong with you, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Baby you're not serious about it right?"

"oh yes. very."

"You can't do that."

"wanna bet?"

"look I'm sorry okey. it's just that uhm..."

"that what?"

"I don't like that you and Jordan get along so well. don't get me wrong I like it when you like my friends but Jordan makes contact with you all the time and I don't like that."

"oh baby."

I hugged him tight and gave him a kiss.

"There's nothing going on and it won't. I love you and only you."

"I know baby. It's just that I-"

"became jealous."

"yes, exactly."

"I think it's cute when you're jealous."

"and I think you're cute."

"too cheesy."

"You're right. I love you."

"I love you more."

i love you 🤍

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