Memphis POV--
I wake up and for the second morning in a row and I feel someone in bed next to me. I open my eyes and see Avery's little body curled around mine. I smile to myself as I kiss his forehead before slowly extracting myself out of bed and heading to take a piss.
When I'm done I make my way to the kitchen to make some coffee for me and hot chocolate for Avery. I twist my neck trying to work out the kinks from having someone sleep practically on top of me. I try to never let anyone sleep with me because my body always feels like shit in the morning. Avery acts like a little puppy and always begs to sleep with me so I don't even fight it anymore. Luckily Avery is small so only my neck is ever sore.
When I'm done with both our drinks I walk back to my room and set both cups on the night stand carefully. I jump on the bed and shake Avery around until he wakes up. When he rubs his eyes awake he looks up at me grumpily. "Really Meme are you two? You could have just said my name like a normal person to wake me up."
I sit down Indian style."Ok I guess since your being so grumpy you don't want your hot cocoa that's ok I will just drink it myself." I start to reach over to the cup and Avery follows my line of sight and jumps over me to grab it for himself. "No, no my Hot Chocolate. You drink that nasty sludge you call coffee."
I can't help but laugh when Avery moans in pleasure from just a small sip. "Yumm, mmmm." I sit against the head board next to Avery and lean over him to grab my own cup. I slowly sip my coffee and grab the remote and turn on CMT and listen to the top twenty count down play in the background as we both fully wake up.
I look over to Avery who is still enjoying his drink."So what do we got planned for today little man?" Avery finishes his cup and sets it on the night stand. "I have to go shopping and find something to wear for Monday. Man I'm starting to get nervous this will be my first full time nine to five job. Can you believe it? I will be a real life adult once I start on Monday."
I finish my coffee and set it aside. "Well it's about damn time. You were one of the first people I met when I moved here five years ago and I would say you haven't matured at all in that time." Avery pulls on my ear in a sharp tug."Be nice Meme, I haven't eaten yet and I might go all Hangery on your ass if you keep messing with me."
I rub the sting out of my ear. "Ok well let's go eat I hate it when you go all evil munchkin on me at least I already had my coffee or I might be tempted to retaliate." Avery laughs. "You don't have the balls to retaliate." He proceeds to jump out of bed and I chase after him until he is locked safely in the spare bathroom.
"What ever Avery." I huff as I walk to my own bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. I get in and turn the water scolding hot and let it run on my sore neck and body. I grab my body wash and start to wash myself. When I get to my hard dick I start jacking off thinking about the cute bar tender from last nights ass. I stroke harder and faster until I'm on the brink of orgasm. Avery walks into my bathroom and right in my line of sight as cum in my hand with Avery's name on my lips.
I sag against the tiled wall letting the water wash away my cum and say "Avery." a little louder this time. "I am in the shower you can't just walk in like you own the place." I turn the water off and open the door to grab a towel and dry off. Avery is rifling through my cabinets. "What ever Meme I need hair gel and you don't have any in the front bathroom. Besides you were just taking a shower it's not like you were jacking off." Avery turns and fully looks at me and I flush all the way from my cheeks down my neck.
"Oh my god you were. I'm so sorry Meme." I get out and stand next to Avery at the double sink and start filling the sink full of warm water to shave. "Then why do you not sound sorry in the least." Avery laughs and starts styling his long curly locks."Well ok I'm not sorry I walked in. I'm sorry I didn't get to see anything good."
I wipe the excess shaving creme off my face and glare at Avery through the mirror. "Avery Flores if you want my dick all you have to do is ask." I tease playfully. Avery gives up on his mess of hair and looks at me. "Aww no thanks I know how many men you have screwed I don't want a turn on your STD express."
I bark out laughing. "Oh my god you did not just call my dick an STD express. I should thump you into the ground for saying that." We both make our way to my bedroom where Avery goes to his gym bag to pull out clothes and I make my way to my closet. Once were both dressed we jump into my truck and head into town for some breakfast.
I don't even have to ask Avery what he wants I just drive straight to the diner. When we get there we find a booth easily and order quickly because Avery wasn't lying a hungry Avery is a bitchy Avery. While we wait for our food we both check our phones. "So did Grey text you yet about the baby?"
Avery looks up from his phone. "Yeah a little after one am he texted they have a healthy baby and we can come to the hospital anytime before noon or they will be home after one." Our food gets dropped off and Avery starts scarfing his food while I eat at a more normal pace. "Ok so it's eleven now so let's go get your outfit and by the time we are done we should be able to catch Grey and Blaine at their house."
Avery nods not skipping a bite. "Yeah that sounds good. Lets go to H&M that way I can get my outfit and get something for the baby too." I sip my soda and shake my head in agreement. When we are done eating I go pay the bill while Avery goes to pee.
When we finally get to H&M on the other side of town it doesn't take long for Avery to grab a bunch of clothes and drag me to the changing room to get my opinion. I swear Avery is lucky he is my best friend. I wouldn't do this shit for just anyone especially when I could be finishing my wood project right now.
Avery comes out of the dressing room in a few different outfits. I tell him he looks good in everything except the red cheetah print I have to draw the line somewhere. Eventually Avery picks out two pair of black slacks and a few grey and striped work shirts. When that's done we make our way to the kids section where Avery goes crazy buying urban chic little baby clothes. When I finally drag Avery out of the store he has spent over two hundred dollars.
By the time I drive us over to Grey and Blaine's it's already 2:30. Avery is a ball of excited nerves on the whole drive over. I have to place my hand on his leg to stop it from bouncing multiple times.
When we pull up to the door Avery grabs the bag and jumps out and rushes to door as I follow behind him at a reasonable pace. Of course Avery doesn't knock or anything just opens the front door and lets himself in. We follow the sounds of voices to the living room where Angel is holding the baby while Nikolaus, Blaine, and Grey watch like its the most fascinating thing ever.
Avery walks over to his brother and drops the bag and demands the baby. Angel makes him sit down on the couch where I sit next to him as he is handed the tiny baby. I look over at Grey and Blaine. "Aww he is beautiful what is his name?" (Finally you know the sex of their baby)
Grey beams at me. "Henley Christopher Thompson after Blaine's father and of course he is beautiful he has my genes and I'm perfect." Blaine laughs and kisses his husband. "Yes you are baby and so is Henley you did good." I let the small baby wrap his hand around my finger and look back at his dads."He is perfect."
We spend the rest of the day at Grey and Blaine's visiting with the baby and the family and friends that come and go to see the baby. I'm not even mad I didn't get work on my wood project today like I planned, this was so much better. Even if seeing all of Grey's which is really Avery's family and Blaine's family made me extremely home sick and miss my own family it was worth it.
Awe my poor Memphis is home sick maybe I should send him to Texas for a visit but there is reason he left and hasn't gone back (dun dun). Vote or Comment and let me know what you think.

Avery's Heart #4
RomanceThis is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in his life but he is struggling to find more than just one night stands. When it seems every one of his brothers has found love will he be abl...