Avery's POV--
The weeks literally fly by so fast it feels like all I have done is blinked. I'm so busy working on setting up the model home I don't have a lot of time to visit with Memphis at work. I have been staying the night a lot at his house just so we can spend some time together even on week days. I'm really trying to be a good boyfriend, I still can't believe I have my first real adult boyfriend. I had boyfriends in high school but as an adult nothing has gone beyond dating into full blown boyfriend status.
Memphis texts me all the time but it's just not the same I want to see and be with him. Memphis is being the prefect boyfriend, I couldn't ask for anything more. We have been going on dates to dinner and the movies we even went to the beach for the day, that was probably my favorite date so far. I'm really proud of him it's been a month since he asked me to be his boyfriend at the diner and I agreed we should take things slow and he had never pressured me once for sex. But now I think I'm finally ready, tonight is going to be the big night.
I asked Mischa to help me since he doesn't have to be at the dance studio today. I have him at Memphis house right now setting the mood just right. I'm finally all done setting up the model and it is now open to the public so I'm back at the office finishing up all my paperwork. I hear a knock at my door and look up to see Memphis and his Aunt Shirley holding some cupcakes.
They both come in and set the cupcakes on my desk I smile and pick one up. Memphis sits on the arm of my chair and Shirley sits across from me "Congratulations Avery I'm very proud of the outcome of your work and I'm so very pleased you were able to stick to the schedule and budget on your first project that's a big accomplishment. I think you have a bright future here." I beam as I lick some of the frosting off. "Yumm, thanks guys this really means a lot to me. I'm so glad to finally be done with that job. It is so different to design when no one is giving you their taste and input but it was awesome at the same time getting to design something just from my taste and what u think will look the best."
Memphis leans down and kisses my Cheek. "Yeah, little man you did a good job." I beam at him and then remember his aunt, my boss is sitting across from us and blush. She laughs and makes a hasty exit. "Have a good weekend boys."
I look at my clock and it's five minutes to five. I get excited because it's almost time. "Go get ready to leave Memphis and wait for me at the front door when you get home." Memphis gives me a weird look but goes anyway after laying a soft kiss on my lips. I jump up and gather everything I need and leave quickly to beat him home.
When I walk into the house I gasp, Mischa did an amazing job. There are rose petals leading to Memphis Bedroom and in the bedroom are a million lit candles.This is so perfect. I run to wait at the front door for Memphis to arrive. When he pulls up I swing the door open and usher him in.
He looks around and notices the rose petals. "Oh I like where this is going." He bends down and picks up bridle style and carries me to his room where the candles and rose petals make a romantic setting. He throws me on the bed and I bounce a little as he stalks towards me.
Memphis lays on top of me covering me from head to toe with his whole body. I shiver and moan from his body heat. I grab his face and look into his eyes. "I'm so ready baby please get me naked now." Memphis starts torturing my neck with licks, nips and kisses. I squirm but love how much attention he is paying my neck. I'm hard in my clothes and want them off.
I pull back and start taking off my shirt and Memphis pulls it off of me as I undo my pants. "Are you sure Avery? We don't have to I'm fine waiting longer if that's what you need." I finish removing all layers of clothing and kiss Memphis. "Of course I'm sure, I love you and I want you to take me. The last month of my life with you has been so amazing I can't wait to be with you like this"
Memphis moans and gets naked himself. Memphis starts at my mouth devouring it in a kiss. I open wide for him as he explores the inside of my mouth. I kiss back hard as well licking and nipping his lips until they are swollen. I feel his tongue glide down my hot sticky skin and shudder. He gets closer and closer to my throbbing dick and I thrust my hips up trying to get some kind of friction.
Memphis pulls away and settles in between my legs and throws them up while supporting them with his hands. I scream as he licks around my hole while clenching down as he gets closer and closer to my bud. My whole body shakes and is on fire when he finally penetrates me with his tongue. I feel his wet muscle massaging me and I melt.
Slowly he pulls his tongue out and I wine but he quickly replaces it with a finger and I start riding it immediately. I love the feel of something thick and warm inside me. I moan."Memphis." and watch his whole body shudder. Memphis has lube that I have no clue where came from put he drizzles it all over my hole and his dick.
He flips me around so I'm on my hands and knees, ass in the air and rubs his dick up and down my crease making me shudder hard with each pass over my hole. Finally he drapes his body over mine and pushes his head into my body and I clench down hard making him moan too. "Oh shit Avery don't do that or I will loose it."
I smile with pride for reducing Memphis to this crazed state. I'm done waiting so I push back and slam down on Memphis' dick bottoming out hard. "Ohh shit Avery I'm going to come."
I keep moving and clinching Memphis' dick trying to get him off but he pulls back and takes control slamming into me. He starts ramming into me so hard I start moving up the bed towards the head board.
Memphis changes angles and hits my prostate with every pump and I wedge a hand under me and start pumping myself furiously chasing my orgasm. Memphis sees this and doubles his efforts to get me off.He spreads my legs slightly more and starts adding his thumb into my hole with his dick and I fucking loose it. I scream and moan and cum in long wet ropes all over the sheet under me.
Memphis pumps one more time into me and I feel hot wetness inside my hole and my dick drizzles out another burp of cum and my whole body shakes in ecstasy. Memphis leans down and kisses the middle of my shoulder blades making me break out in goose bumps. He slowly removes his dick out of me and I feel his cum slide out as well and moan at the mess he just made.
I feel Memphis sit back and rub his hands up and down the inside of my thighs before laying down next to me. I blindly search out his lips to kiss. He meets me half way in a closed mouth sweet kiss. "That was amazing little man. I didn't know sex could be like that. I mean I love you and you fucking just made me cum like a fucking porn star. Fuck I'm so lucky to have you."
It was just the right thing to say at that moment so I kiss him again. "Thanks Meme that was pretty intense, I never ever have bare backed before but it felt fucking amazing. I can't believe people lie and say there is barely any difference."
Memphis laughs and pulls me until my cheek is resting on his chest. "That was my first time bare too. I wanted to give you something no one else has ever or will ever have." I smile brightly at Memphis and start running my semi hard dick on his leg and he groans. "No fucking way can you get it up that quickly." I shake my head yes I can and start humping for all I'm worth. "Shit Meme I'm getting close I need to come again."
Memphis scoots down and swallows my dick and starts a hard suction while fingering my open sloppy hole. I fucking cum down his throat and clench on his finger and have one the best orgasms in my life. Memphis pulls back with a wide smile. "Come on little man lets go take a shower. I think I might be fully hard before we get out." Damn I could definitely get use to this.
Ok was that steamy enough for you guys sorry for the late update. I write on my iPhone and it's being a bitch. Vote or Comment and let me know what you think.

Avery's Heart #4
RomanceThis is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in his life but he is struggling to find more than just one night stands. When it seems every one of his brothers has found love will he be abl...