Memphis POV-- Henley's Bassinet above.
I lay there for hours after Avery has fallen asleep. What if Lane was right what if mine and Avery's relationship is fucked up and I never realized it. I look back at all the things we have done together and they all seemed so innocent at the time. But I can definitely see how to an outsider it would definitely look suspicious.
The more I think about what Lane said the more I get angry. I would never treat Avery like I did any of my past lovers and I resent Lane for even trying to draw a comparison. I know who Avery is to me and he is my best friend. I would do anything to make him happy even above my own happiness. He means that much to me.
Avery has been my rock since I moved here away from my church going parents and family back in Texas. It was really hard for me to leave my home but it was even harder trying to live there and be someone I wasn't. For gods sake I was engaged to a nice girl just because I thought it would make my parents happy. It didn't matter that I could only get hard thinking about Mark Wallburg. It only mattered that I was making my family proud.
In high school I applied for a bunch of different colleges all out of state and away from my Family. Including one here in Cali close to my Aunt so I could have some family close but not under the watchful eye of my parents.
I never had the courage to come out or really be me to my parents so when I finally got excepted here it was a god send. I moved here and went crazy getting to finally be me, an open gay man. I guess I still kind of am going crazy sleeping with all these guys to make up for all that lost time I was pretending to be straight.
The more I think about it my only stable relationship has been my friendship with Avery and that's only because I haven't fucked it up by sleeping with him. Lane had to be wrong it can't be that me and Avery are in a boyfriend like relationship, just deep friendship that is what this is. But then why did I have one of the best orgasms in my life when Avery walked in on me in the shower the other weekend? I finally fall asleep but I'm not at peace with the situation and it's a fitful sleep.
When I wake up in the morning shockingly Avery is already out of bed. I strain my ears and hear him in my shower. I decide turn about is fair play and walk in and take piss while he is washing his hair humming some tune. When I turn on the water to wash my hands Avery screeches like a banshee."Damn you Memphis that was cold." he yells as I laugh while catching a glimpse of his perfect little compact body on my way out of the restroom.
I go make our usual morning drinks and use the last package of hot cocoa so I add it to my grocery list on the fridge. When both drinks are steaming I take them back to my room and set them down. I crawl back into bed and turn on music videos while I wait for Avery to come out of the bathroom.
When the shower finally shuts off I yell to him. "Little man you drink is getting cold I didn't know you were going pre Madonna and taking an hour shower."
The bathroom door whips open and Avery marches into the room with a towel around his waist and one twisted around his hair. "Hey shut up it was like twenty minutes tops cowboy." He crawls into bed and I hand him his hot chocolate. He sips it while moaning. "Yumm."
I get up because I'm starting to get hard. This has never happened before, Avery has moaned and drank his hot chocolate at least a hundred times over the years and I have never been turned on by it before. I rush to the bathroom and jump in the shower to cool off.
I turn the water frigid cold and let my boner go down and wash myself. I can't believe this is happening I'm going to kill Lane for putting these thoughts in my head. I finish washing and wrap a towel around my waist and go into my room.
Of course just my luck when I walk out Avery is bent over ass in the air putting on his under wear. I groan as I get hard instantly and my cold shower was for nothing. I avert my eyes and walk into my closet and dress quickly so Avery doesn't see my hard on for him. He would probably tease me mercilessly.
I walk out dressed in jeans and black shirt and Avery is waiting patiently for me. And by patiently I mean scrolling through my phone making funny faces. "What are you doing? You look constipated."
Avery throws me my phone. "Oh nothing just changing my call picture to something different." I sigh and look at my photos and sure enough at least twenty selfies are in there and in all of them Avery is making a different faces. I laugh and wave to Avery to follow me to my work shop.
We load up the baby's gift and head towards Nicki's and Angel's place. Half way there Avery start complaining he is hungry so we go back the way we came and go through the McDonalds drive thru. Avery scarfs down five hash browns consecutively as I eat an egg mcmuffin. I look at Avery. "You truly are a pig."
Avery keeps munching. "Yeah well you love me anyway." I sigh and for the first time I feel my chest get tight, because yeah I really do love Avery. Fuck.
We drive back towards Angel's house and I turn on the radio so there isn't a weird silence. Something I would never even consider possible with Avery before. Man I'm all kinds of fucked up lately. Damn Lane for fucking with my mind.
When we're almost there Avery reaches out and touches my arm and I flinch at the contact. Avery notices. "Are you ok Meme you look like your mad or sad or maybe you just have to poop. I can't tell." I laugh a genuine laugh. Leave it to Avery to dispel my uneasiness with one sentence. "Naw brat nothing's wrong. That's my thinkin face I know you have seen it before." I squeeze his hand to reassure him nothing is wrong. Avery laughs too and the weird vibes we were in disappear. "Naw cowboy I don't think I have ever seen your thinkin face before. Don't hurt your brain ok."
I let go of Avery's hand when we pull up to the house and I'm sad to have to let it go. We jump out and I grab the babies gift as we walk to the door. In true Avery fashion he just lets himself right on in. We follow the laughing into the living room and see everyone sitting down.
Grey's eyes light up when he sees what's in my hands. "Is that for us?" I smile and set it down between Grey and Blaine for them to inspect. Grey runs his hands across the hand crafted wooden bassinet I made them while Blaine smiles. Grey jumps up and hugs Avery then me."Oh you guys I love it. It's so perfect. It looks so beautiful I don't even want to use it. Was it a lot of work Memphis?"
I rub the back of my neck not liking all the attention on me. Thankfully Avery saves me."Oh no Grey, Meme loves wood working so he enjoyed the work. You should see his work room it's filled with all kinds of beautiful little pieces." And just like that the attention is off me and I can relax. I sit next to Angel and he hands me the sleeping baby.
I run my pointer finger up and down his baby soft cheek smiling down at him sleeping so peacefully. I hear a picture snap and look up to see everyone looking at me again. "What?" Everyone shakes there head and Avery sits next to me and tries to steal the baby but I won't let him.
After I finally let Avery hold little Henley for a while we make our exit and decide it's time to go home. I still have all my chores to do and Avery wants to go buy some more color pencils for his sketching. Everyone hugs us goodbye and Grey whispers a soft thank you in my ear that has me beaming with pride that he liked my gift.
Avery and I pull back up to my house around two o'clock and I let us back in. We both make our way to my room and kick off our shoes and lay in bed to rest a little before we start the rest of our day. Avery reaches over and takes off my hat and sets on the nightstand. "Today was a good day Meme."
I laugh and get more comfortable. "What do you mean it's only two we still got a whole lot of day left." Avery shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah but even if the rest of the day went to shit it would still be a good day. I got to spend the day with you and Henley and my brothers and Grey it was an amazing Saturday."
We both lay on our sides facing each other and I reach out and run my hand down Avery's face. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch. I slowly lean over and kiss him on the mouth. I run my tongue along the seem of his lips. He opens up for me and I suck on his tongue and caress his face. I pull back smiling and Avery opens his eyes. "What was that?"
I jump up at Avery's question oh shit what did I just do?
Dun dun finally some action. Vote or Comment and let me know what you think. Things are going to pick up considerably from here.

Avery's Heart #4
RomanceThis is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in his life but he is struggling to find more than just one night stands. When it seems every one of his brothers has found love will he be abl...