An Act For Attention

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I'm told that it's fake
That it's an act for attention
It is
I'm begging for you to see
To give me a once of attention
To see how I truly feel

You say it's because I'm not getting what I want
I want to get better
But I can't
So yes it is
I'm trying for you to see

That I'm pushing through
To tell you how I feel
But you shit me down
Again and again

Why can't you listen
Im screaming
Begging for help

One day I would want you to
Walk in my shoes
Have my mind
See how's others treat me
You would be surprised

When I tell you what's wrong
You brush me aside
But when you see what I see
You will understand

At least that's what I thought
You went through
My phone
My room
Everything dear and private

But you still don't see
How I truly feel
Even through all of this
Seeing what I see
You will never understand the teenage mind

Poems I have Written part 1Where stories live. Discover now