The Crow

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Chapter 1:

                I pulled my jacket closer to me and shivered as I walked in the dark to school. The moon above shone brightly and illuminated the ground below it. I smiled up at the dark  morning sky and the stars winked back at me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and tripped on the sidewalk curb, my hands flew out instinctively and I scraped my palms on the cold concrete.

“Ouch.” I whispered softly getting back up and walking again. I ignored the sting in my hands and looked down to watch where I walking. Just then I heard a rustling sound coming from the side of me in the bushes. I felt my heart accelerate but, I kept my expression calm. I must just be hearing things, I decided and put my hood up and kept on walking. I walked ten steps then heard the rustling sound again, only this time it was directly above me in the trees. I sprinted as fast as I could -which wasn't that fast because of my backpack- toward school. Leaves were rustling and crunching behind me. Someone or something was running after me. I stopped and turned around to see what it was, and nothing was there. I turned around and screamed. Right there in front of me was a man wearing all black. I stopped screaming and put a hand on my chest and laughed a shaky laugh.

“Oh my gosh sir. You scared me.” I said laughing. The guy said nothing and I couldn't see his face because his hood was up.

“I am sorry sir. I'll just be on my way. Excuse me.” I said and maneuver around him. He caught my arm and pulled me back to face him.

“Excuse me sir what do you-” I started to say but my thoughts disappears when he put his hood down and I looked at his face. His face was the most beautiful face I had ever seen, it made me lose my train of thought. Whatever I was about to say was lost somewhere in mind. He had jet black hair that cropped short, emo styled. His nose and lips were perfect and his eyes were as black as night with silver around the pupil. I stared deeply into his eyes and I felt like I was going to fall into them and drown in the darkness which was his soul. Then he spoke and butterflies around in my stomach.

“Koda. I have finally found you.” his voice melted my bones and my legs shook. He  had a hint of a Russian accent and his voice was like honey. He walked the little distance, and closed in the space between us.  He reached up and stroked my face with a pale white finger. The butterflies flew around some more. I opened my mouth to say something and he leaned in closer like he was going to kiss me and my breathing was fast and shaky. I could smell his sweet scent coming off of him. He smelled of sunshine, leaves and rose petals. His lips parted and touched mine. I could taste his sweet scent and it made my mouth water.  My lips moved with his and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer to his. There was a strange electric current that ran through me and made my stomach tremble with pleasure. His mouth left mine and I gasped for air. He kissed my jaw and then my neck. Once my breathing was back to normal – which it didn't really- his mouth went back to mine. He bit my tongue and warm liquid leaked out the side of my mouth. The strange thing was, is that it felt really good.

He lifted his mouth from mine and stared at me. My head was spinning and I felt lightheaded. I looked around and realized I was going to be late for school. I looked up at the guy I'd just made out with said,”I, have to go..... to school.” I said, my mind was all tangled up. I pulled out my cell phone and looked at the time, 7:50. Damn, I was late.

“Would you like  a ride?”  the guy asked.

“Yes please.” I said and he took my hand and led me to a sleek black mustang. That electric current was there again.

“What's your name?” I asked as we headed toward the school.

“Demetrius.” he said smiling at me. I couldn't help smiling back.

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