title of your story

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*****Hey guys, sorry I didn't update sooner, my internet was done. Thanks for being paitent. Hope you enjoy.********

Chapter 8: Damion’s Story

“So Damion, your father was the King of vampires?” I asked one Saturday afternoon.


“What happened to him? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.”

“No. I don’t mind telling you.” He smiled. “My father, Demetri and my mother, Sara, were the king and queen of vampires for twenty years and my sister, Destiny, wanted the throne. But she couldn’t because she was only sixteen at the time… To make the long story shorter, she assented them.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“So she got the throne?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“No, the throne actually went to my uncle who, ruled till my brother Saffron was eighteen.”

“Ah, were you sad or anything when your parents died?”

“For a while I was really depressed and I wanted so badly to kill my sister, I almost successed in doing so a couple of times. But I was only five years old at the time and she was sixteen. She was stronger and smarter then I was. So I guess to answer your question, I turned into a ticking time bomb of fury. Inside I wasn’t okay, but outside I pretended like I was. I pretended to be happy and act like nothing at all had happened. I guess that’s how I destroyed myself… I wasn’t mad that my father died. I was mad my mother died.” He said glaring at outside.

“Why?” I asked.

“My father was a cruel man that loved to torture me. Made me sleep on a spike bed.”

“I’m so sorry Damion.” I said sadly.

“It’s okay. I still have the marks from the spikes and whip marks on my back.” He said and lifted up his shirt and showed me his back. A bunch of small dents were embedded into his skin and lines covered his back vertical and horizontal. My eyes went wide and he put his shirt back down.

“Oh my god Damion.” I said.

“Ya. I’m glad that son of a bitch is dead. I won’t tell you what else he did to me. After they died, Destiny was left to take care of Saffron and I. We made her life a living hell.” He snickered.

“What year was this?”

“Thirteen o’ five.” My eyes once again went wide and my jaw dropped. He chuckled at my expression. “Yep.”

“So you were born in thirteen hundred?”

“Yep. August sixteenth to be exact. My father wanted to name me Satin but mother wouldn’t allow it. So he named me Damion Rasputant Payne. Damion meaning Satin’s son and Rasputant after a psycho killer.” He said smiling evilly.

“Your mother agreed to that name?”  I asked in disbelief.

“She didn’t know what Damion meant, and she didn’t realize the psycho killer part either. She too busy looking at my gorgeous face.” Damion said batting his eye lashes, and put on an expression that made him look like an innocent angel of destruction.  I laughed at him and chuckled.

“So you were born in Russia?”

“What part?”

“St. Petersburg.”

“Really? I’ve heard it’s nice there.”

“It is. Though I haven’t been there for a long time.” He shrugged. Just then Britt walked into the room.

“Damion!” she exclaimed and jumped into his arms then, planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed him back and smiled.

“And that’s our cue to go.” Demetrius said who had been quiet throughout Damion’s story and got up. I stood up too and stretched then followed Demetrius downstairs.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked.

“How about a movie?” Demetrius asked.

“Sounds good to me.” I smiled and kissed his lips.  “I’m going to go downstairs and get Mtn. Dew. Do you want one?”

“Sure.” He said kissing me back.

“Okay, I’ll be back.” I said and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Once I got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed two Dews.  I closed the fridge and jumped. Blade was leaning casually against the counter, smiling crookedly.

“Hello Koda.” I looked at him then headed back upstairs. Blade caught my arm and I turned around and looked at his hand.

“Let me go.” I said quietly and looked back up at him.

“No.” he said stubbornly and tightened his hold on my arm; he then pulled me into him and covered my mouth with his hand, then began to drag me to the front door. I lifted my legs up and became a dead weight. Blade grunted then continued to drag me. He dragged me all the way to his car, me, thrashing all the way.  When we got his car he opened the passenger side door and threw me in, buckling me in then, slammed the door shut and locked it.  I screamed a bloodcurdling scream and Blade hurried and got in then sped off.

“Let me out!”  I screamed.

“Shut up.” Blade yelled.

“NO! Let me out this instant!” I demanded and moved my foot over and stepped on the brake. The car jerked to a hard stop and my head hit the dashboard with a sickening crunch.

“You fucking bitch!” I faintly heard Blade scream and then everything went black and I lost consciousness.

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