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The August nights slowly turned into September ones, marking the transition from carefree summer days to the bustling energy of college life. Lovette found herself navigating the vast halls and crowded lectures, the new experience both daunting and exciting. Amidst the flurry of classes, new friends, and endless possibilities, one question lingered in her mind: What were she and Chris?

Their connection had grown steadily over the summer, an undeniable chemistry that drew them closer with each passing day. Their hangouts were filled with laughter, shared secrets, and stolen kisses that left Lovette's heart racing. Yet, there was an unspoken uncertainty, an undefined territory that she had been treading with cautious steps.

Lovette didn't want to rush Chris, fearing that her eagerness would push him away. She had seen the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, sensed the hesitance in his touch. But as the days turned into weeks, and September unfurled its vibrant colours around them, Lovette's insecurities began to whisper in the corners of her mind. What if Chris was content with keeping things as they were?

And so, Lovette carried her insecurities silently, nurturing the hope that someday soon, Chris would take that brave step forward. She held onto the belief that their connection was worth the uncertainty, the vulnerability, and the risk of heartache. As the autumn breeze whispered through the trees, Lovette vowed to remain patient and to have faith that in due time, Chris would reveal his true intentions.


Chris found himself in Lovette's room, the air thick with a blend of familiarity and uncertainty. As he waited for her to finish one of her Calculus assignments, he couldn't help but notice the traces of her life scattered across the room. His gaze wandered to her dresser, the surface adorned with photo frames, each capturing a frozen moment of her journey.

His fingers grazed one particular frame, drawn to the image of two young girls. Lovette, unmistakably younger than she was now, stood beside another girl. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly sensed Lovette's presence at his side.

Her voice was soft as she tapped the glass of the frame, her eyes filled with nostalgic memories. "My best friend, Imani. I've known her since kindergarten," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness.

Chris carefully set the frame back on the dresser, his attention now fully focused on Lovette. "You finished your assignment?" he asked, concern laced in his words.

Lovette nodded in response, her relief evident in the weary sigh that escaped her lips.

There was a beat of silence, a pause that hung in the air. Lovette could sense the weight of his unspoken thoughts, his internal struggle to articulate his true intentions. And then, in a moment that caught her off guard, he posed a question that sent a surge of excitement through her veins.

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