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The day had dawned, marked by a sense of apprehension that settled heavily in Chris's chest

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The day had dawned, marked by a sense of apprehension that settled heavily in Chris's chest. Today was the day, the one he had been both looking forward to and dreading. The long-awaited visit from Lovette's friends had finally arrived, and 'nervous' didn't even begin to encapsulate the emotions swirling within him. He had spent nights rehearsing conversations in his mind, going over potential scenarios until exhaustion pulled him into an uneasy sleep.

Yes, Lovette had provided him with details about her friends, insights into their personalities that should have calmed his nerves. He had absorbed her descriptions with a mix of genuine interest and an almost pathological need to please. He had tried his best to internalize the information Lovette had given him, each tidbit of their preferences and quirks etching into his memory like lines of code in a program.

Her friends were staying for almost two weeks, an elongated stretch of time that felt both daunting and promising. He desperately wanted to make a good impression, to blend seamlessly into their group, to not be the odd piece out. He had mentally recited jokes, amusing anecdotes, and a repertoire of interesting stories, hoping to weave himself into their conversations with ease.

Yet, as he stood in Lovette's foyer, the faint echo of boisterous voices carrying from her living room, his stomach felt like a pit of writhing snakes. The confident façade he often presented to the world was cracking at the edges, revealing the raw vulnerability he rarely let others see. Each laugh and animated chatter from the other room sent a spike of anxiety through him, making his heart race like a runaway train.

Sensing his tension, Lovette's hand found his, her fingers interlocking with his own. Her touch was a lifeline, grounding him in the reality of the moment. "They're gonna like you. Cause I like you," she whispered, her words a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.

He wished he could believe her without reservation, to trust her judgment implicitly, but the tendrils of doubt had already taken root.

As her reassurance washed over him, he fought to keep his insecurities in check. Lovette's unwavering support was something he clung to, her presence a beacon of light in the storm of his self-doubt. He had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed to the possibility of rejection, and it was a sensation that unsettled him to his core.

He managed a tight smile in response to Lovette's assurance, his fingers tightening around hers as he sought solace in her touch. In her presence, he felt a semblance of calm, a respite from the storm that raged within him. He knew he couldn't predict the outcome of this encounter, couldn't control the perceptions of others. But he could hold onto the fact that Lovette believed in him, that she saw something worth cherishing.

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