🍃:: Wolfgang, Ulysses, Grace

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no requester !
tags :: No killing game AU ,, first meeting
summary :: their initial reaction to the stupid and overall loud Ultimate Comedian!

Ultimate :: Comedian ,, Pronouns :: she/her ,, Gender: female



✧ initially got overwhelmed by your loud demeanor.

✧ always told you that maybe shouting your jokes wasn't the best way to make others laugh.

✧ despite this, he doesn't question your tactics too much as you're literally the best at what you do. imagine critiquing an Ultimate in their field....

✧ worried for you because holy hell why do you not know how to solve the quadratic formula?? ended up giving you extra tutoring sessions out of pity

✧ he still cares for you even with all the trouble you drag him into !!

"A-ah, please lower your voice! You're scaring the others!"



✧ honestly flabbergasted by how you managed to make everything he said a your mom joke... like seriously???

✧ made it his whole mission to try to avoid you, the problem was that you were one of the extremely extroverted people in class. so if he were to walk up to someone else, you'd somehow get in the conversation.

✧ ends up dealing with your company.

✧  gives you a quill so you can write on your own little notebook!!

✧ surprised that you can actually become serious when needed. noted in his journal: "she can be a decent person?? im so glad, i dont want to deal with her constant blabbing."

"...Quiet. Let me focus for one moment before you open your mouth."



✧ she hates your guts tbh

✧ you once made a joke about golf and she went absolutely nuts at you!! wolfgang had to restrain her from hitting you.

✧ you half-apologized, and she just pushed it off.

✧ you still manage to get under her skin, but she's learned to deal with it. 

✧ once, she threw golf balls(?) at you out of pure spite. ended amazed by how you managed to juggle them all at once without any warnings.

"Tch... Don't get it into your head, soybean. I still hate, hate, hate you...Yeah, shut up."

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