🍃:: Damon Maitsu

278 6 6

requested by :: ScabtCat
tags :: first meet, friendly(?) banter, small arguments, killing game au!

summary :: Though there wasn't much of a spark from the start, friendship is possible. Problem is, how?

Ultimate :: Conspiracy Theorist ,, Pronouns :: he/him ,, Gender :: Gender Neutral !


"...I can't breath. It's clogging my lungs--" That was the last thing the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist said before passing out.

  It wasn't like this earlier. Just a few moments ago, he was staring at an old theory he made concerning one of his favorite games. It was a nice, sweet, happy video that showed the game ending on a good note. Of course, he was right. That didn't make the weird feeling of watching yourself saying every single detail correctly with absolutely no flaws.

  He wasn't some magic all knowing God. Absolutely not! In fact, he was equal with any normal person regarding anything else that didn't involve analysis. To say he was a prodigy was an overstatement. Being honest, he just liked making guesses and figuring out things with each tiny piece of evidence.

  No one expected him to be the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist. How did he get the title?

  It was actually quite simple. 

  He managed to make people believe that some old piece of history was fabricated. What was it, you may ask? Well, it was a funny bit. He convinced many Americans that a certain president back in the past was, in fact, queer. Fun fact, people assumed he was addressing George Washington, but he never actually confirmed it, so that part is up to the people to decide.

  Thinking about it harder, that was ridiculous. This person really just persuaded so many people that a guy who used to govern their own country was gay. I mean-- who does that? Him. That's right, you heard him. [Name], the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist, lived to be amused. That was life after all, more questions but little answers. It was his job to find the most comical ideas known to mankind and make them believable. Sure, it was a bit awkward if someone actually debunked it, but that was the art of conspiracy.

  And if you already guessed, he was not at all surprised that he got his title. Actually, he was probably waiting for it ever since he was 10! His dedication and thoughts were definitely not going to waste; this person was thriving in topics related to hunches and propositions. Some could say it was destiny, others could say it was planned ever since he was young. In the end, he didn't actually care. What mattered was that he got what he wanted, and he wasn't going to live it down.

  I mean-- he would in fact brag about it just a little if he wasn't so nervous about talking.

  You heard it right folks, he, a person whose talent centers around convinces other indivduals, had this thing called stage fright. He hated interaction with big groups of people. But he didn't care, not at all.

  Haters can suck it.

  So when he got his letter of acceptance from Edens Garden Academy, he was more nonchalant rather than excited. It was just a school, after all. The only difference was that it was filled with people who excelled in different fields.

  "... Interesting." Was the only thing he said before sitting on his chair and opening up his Google Chrome browser. If it weren't obvious enough, he wasn't jumping with joy. In fact, at first glance, he seemed to dislike the idea of attending school. But no, that would be so wrong. What he was felt more of intrigue. What was this academy? Who was the president? What's its history? Does he know anyone who attended it? So many questions, yet so little answers.

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