🍃 :: Jett, Ulysses, Cassidy !

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requested by :: Showtime-Sparkles
tags: hidden ultimate ,, first meeting  ,, revealed secret !

summary :: In which they meet a peculiar yet sweet girl with the title of the Ultimate Librarian. In truth, her actual identity is hidden from the rest of her classmates.

Ultimate :: Gang Leader ,, Pronouns :: she/her ,, Gender :: not specified/gender-neutral



✧ was very loud before you introduced yourself as the Ultimate Librarian. once you did though, he toned down a bit.

✧ started talking about some fiction books he had found way back. 

✧ got suspicious when you'd intimidate others into following your lead, but brushed it off. he didn't want to suspect his own friend.

✧ he likes it when you give him a book recommendation, but would be surprised when it's mainly about shooting and mafia.

✧ literally bursts into fits of giggles when you question his jokes. like you'd be like "hahaha, wait huh?" and my man will just start dying from laughter!!

✧ enjoys reading sessions with you. sometimes you guys trade stories, and he would smile when you read his recommendation. it was a childrens book.

✧ he realized your true talent after a month, wherein he found a gang symbol in your jacket. it was faded out so he didn't notice it at first, but when he did, he was very shocked.

✧ jett pretended he didn't know about it all. he didn't want to ruin the friendship you guys worked so hard on !! but he does get a bit jumpy when talking about gangs, even if the word is used in an entirely different context.

"Haha!-- I didn't expect you to be the type of person to enjoy...gore! Well, I'm not much of a fan, but that's fine! We can read together!"



✧ oh my gee, he's literally staring at you with suspicion. 

✧ your name was familiar to him, but despite scouring his whole journal, he couldn't find anything about you. turns out he had seen your face a while back, discussing with your gang in an alleyway.

✧ he just shrugged it off as his sleep deprivation. maybe he saw you around the library working, after all, you are the Ultimate Librarian. right?

✧ is happy when you give him a new leather journal. my guy has now become indebted to you.

✧ bro is so giddy when you smile, though he doesn't show it much.

✧ while reading his journal, he'd take a peek at you and how your so focused on your book. sometimes he'd smile at you, but you didn't know that.

✧ when you'd command the group, he would note on how your sweet personality contrasted the ruling character you had put on.

✧ when the surprise hit that you weren't what you said you were, he was rightfully fuming. first of all, was their friendship just built on a lie? second of all, everything he wrote on his notebooks and journals were fake. such a waste of paper!

✧ in the end he just holds a big grudge against you, but pushes past that. you were a nice person, after all. your title seemed to be the only bad thing about you.

"Now I need to rewrite all the things I put here. Curse you, [Name]..."



✧ she's literally like a big sister to you. would hug you every single time you opened the door, despite literally meeting a day ago.

✧ even if you seem more mature, she would do anything in her power to make you comfortable! 

✧ once you were staring at her playing a shooting game at an arcade, and she let you try it out. honestly flabbergasted by your skills. hell, you scored a point higher than her!

✧ set it her goal to beat you in shooting games. of course, you lessened your skills with knife and blade games so it wouldn't be too weird. after all, what kind of sweet and kind librarian be good with weapons?! not you, haha...

✧ she gives you some tips with video games, while you give her tips for her english homework. problem is, your gang slang sometimes kicks in, and you'd say something along the lines of "you? do you mean yo?"

✧ laughs at how you're so bad at social cues. to be fair, you never needed to know such things. you're a gang leader, for petes sake! but no one knew that. so you just had to deal with it.

✧ once the truth of your Ultimate was revealed, she felt a tad bit hurt. you guys were best friends, yet you didn't tell her? she was having a thing called trust issues.

✧ she decided to trust your judgement. you were her one and only number one bestie, after all!

"Hey! Want to play a game with me? Don't hold back this time, Miss Gang 'I'm a Librarian' Leader! I'll beat you, one hundred percent! Boom, booyah, that kind of win!"


side note :: the amount of times i spelt librarian as librarion is embarrassingly high...

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