🍂 :: Mark 'Mayhem' Berskii

179 2 9

requested by :: leanna123456789

tags :: night talks ,, not so accidental confession ,, opposites attract ,, music ,, he got no balls to do it bro... ,, no killing game AU !

summary :: when a commission by the Ultimate Influencer becomes a chat with a certain pianist, it occurs to Mark that he was absolutely doomed. doomed by what, exactly? the curse of crushing. internally, he was faced with one option: tell the girl his feelings. but how could he do that if he can't say it through words?

Ultimate :: Pianist ,, Pronouns :: she/her ,, Gender :: female

Side note: IM SO SORRY FOR THIS BEING SUPER DUPER LATE..please have this extra long one for your convenience 😭 side note (2), I'm not sure if he's in character or not, so I really apologize... I'm on my knees I'm so sorry


Mark was struggling.

He struggled with a lot of things. Social confrontation, giving the energy to give a damn, and so many others. But there was one thing he'd never have trouble with: music.

But oh dear, here he was.

The Ultimate Pianist herself was the literal bane of his existence. He wasn't trying to throw shade, but the amount of times he's tried to find out what these... feelings were toward the girl was painfully awkward. There were times when he'd think of her as a nice person to play with, but then she'd go on a tangent of piano sheets...

Yes, he understood what she was talking about, but that didn't make it any less infuriating to hear. He liked listening to her ramble about her passions, sure, but sometimes she was a little too loud. She would poke and tease him every chance she got. Mark did not appreciate that. But, who was he to distance himself from her? After all, they only had each other.

And by that, he meant there was no one in the class who would understand music like them. Even if the other Ultimates said they, in fact, understood, it was wrong. They can love music; but they can never think of it the same way Mark and the Pianist did.

Days would turn to weeks as the Ultimate Pianist would poke and annoy him for reasons unknown; and he'd let her. The only person allowed to do that other than her was Jett, and even he had a hard time getting Mark to open up. It was an accomplishment, honestly.

One night, the two met each other in one of the music rooms in the academy.

It was dark out- the moonlight shone through the glass windows. He was trying to finish a new piece; a commission made by Kai. Something about a YouTube outro. Ridiculous, honestly. He would have never done it for the influencer if it weren't for the fact that [Name] asked him as well... Actually, it was more like pleading. He could only sigh and agree in the end. As long as it would stop her pressing.

So here [Name] was, leaning on the door, smirking.

"Hey, hey!" She gave him a shout. There the pianist was again; ready to pester him. The music producer groaned internally, getting ready for a mouthful of a cheers. "You're still working hard, huh? You must appreciate Kai sooo much if you're staying up till night doing this!"

Mark muttered a few curse words at her before glaring at the pianist. This was not what he wanted to do. Entertaining this girl was confusing in its own right- how can he do that and work on the commission?! Pain: yes, that's what he felt. This was so fucking painful.

"I-- Quiet... I'm only doing this because it's a commission. I have no intention of ever befriending Kai, and you... Nevermind." Mark frowned. "I'm just...stuck. I can't seem to get the perfect idea out of my head. If I did, then I wouldn't be here anymore."

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